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You slowly slid towards the edge of the bed and placed your feet on the floor. For once, warm wood welcomed you instead of cold stone. You slowly stood up to make sure your wounds were healed enough to move around. You've been bedridden for the last two days and were becoming sick and tired of it. You usually never got injured, so you weren't used to this. A few cuts and bruises here and there, but nothing severe enough to get you bedridden. It annoyed the shit out of you.

"You shouldn't be up yet," an annoyed voice called out. You looked over towards the door and saw Levi leaning against the frame.

"I may be injured, but I can still kick your ass," you retorted, slowly limping towards the dresser which held your uniform. Levi's eyes watched you like a hawk as you changed. It seemed you had no qualms of changing in front of people when they know you. When you stripped off your shirt, Levi's eyes widened. Accompanying your body were scars. Long, ragged scars that covered a good 67% of your body. Levi's face darkened at the things he was imagining. Just how much did you endure to receive those? He's seen people with scars before from fighting titans or abuse, but never to that extent.

"Is staring satisfying for you?" You asked him, putting on your shirt and snapping him out of his trance. He tch'd. "It's fine. I've grown use to them."

"That doesn't make me feel better," he retorted, crossing his arms.

"Why are you even here? Don't you have work to do?" You asked, though it came out snappier than you had intended.

"Paperwork can wait. The health of my squad mate is more important," he replied, stepping into the room. You slid off your pants, revealing muscular legs that were also covered in scars. He pushed back a shiver that threatened to go through him as more images flashed through his mind at how you got them. You sighed quietly.

"Hey, Shithead. Strip yourself so I can stare at you," you said to him, smirking lightly when a light tinge of pink appeared in his cheeks. He turned his head away.

"Yeah, be embarrassed, bitch," you added, walking past him.

"Are you sure about this, Y/n?" Hanji asked from next to you. You nodded and tightened your grip on the knife.

"I'm positive," you replied, holding up your arm. Hanji nodded and back away.

"Alright. Go when you're ready," Hanji said, going further away from you. You breathed out before slitting your wrist. The burning and throbbing pain of blood flowing out of your wrist caused your black eye to cramp. The darkness in your iris began to slowly travel down your face.

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Your flowing blood stopped, hovering over your skin. A blush spread across Hanji's face. She felt like she was going to pee from the excitement. Your black eye began to softly pulse as you tried to move your blood in the way you wanted. It only moved about three inches before there was a spark and the blood exploded, sending you flying to the ground. You held your wrist as the marks on your face slowly receded back into your eye like a swirling hurricane. Hanji immediately ran to your side and applied pressure to your wrist.

"Moblit!! Go get some bandages!!" She ordered her assistant.

"Ye-yes!!" He replied before running back into the castle. If you tried to move your fingers, more blood would come out and the pain would worsen. Hanji tried to keep the blood flow steady. Man... you definitely weren't in control of yourself. Your face was beginning to pale from the loss of blood and Hanji's hands were soaked with it.

"Hanji-san!" Moblit called, stopping at her side and handing her bandages. She released your wrist and quickly wrapped the cloth around your wrist, tightly, but not too tightly. Once she was done with that she laid your arm extended out to the side and moved above you, placing your head in her lap to try and stop the bleeding.

"How reckless..." She softly scolded, though she had no intention of you hearing it. A small chuckle escaped your lips.

"How can I not be? I've had this eye for fifteen years and yet I have no idea how to control it," you replied quietly, looking up at her. She just sighed. You've never had a girl-on-girl bond with anyone, so this was a new experience. Actually... you've never had a bond with anyone.

"That doesn't mean you should kill yourself over it," she retorted. You snorted lightly in amusement.

"Fighting titans basically is suicide," you argued with a small smile. Hanji stopped for a moment.

"... touché..."

"I heard you and Hanji were together today. She said you almost died," Elijah said from across from you. You had been ordered to the infirmary, by Levi, to make sure your wrist was alright. You scoffed lightly and crossed your arms.

"I was fine. It's not like I died," you retorted. He rose a brow at you. You looked back at him incredulously. "What?" He smiled and shook his head.

"Nothing, it's just... you've changed so much..." Elijah admired. You stopped and looked down. Now that you think of it, you really had mellowed out. What happened to the stoic, imma kick your ass personality? It's still there, but it's not as... prominent. "I guess the Survey Corps really tamed the beast inside of you, huh?" Elijah joked. You snorted.

"Yeah right. Like anyone could tame me," you replied, hugging your wrist close to your chest.

"I don't know a lot about you, Red, but I do know you're a lot better person than you think you are," Elijah said suddenly, smiling at you sincerely. You looked up at him, confused.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, you've gone through all these years known as Red Ember... but tell me, Y/n L/n... do you know who you are?"

Ja ne!

   {Ruby Red}

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