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Black = Ep. came out
Red = New chapter posted
Green = Editing and writing.

I'll try to keep up with this schedule consistently, but sometimes I just don't give a shit and veer off course. Oh well.

Edit: Spoilers, I don't LOLOL

You and Levi waited on a roof where 'Eren' and 'Historia' were taken. It looked to be a storage house, though you could've been wrong. You hadn't seen the inside and was only guessing from the outside. Connie, Sasha, and Mikasa were spying in on them.

"This plan better succeed. Pieces of shit like that already get on my nerves," you said, flipping a small throwing knife in your hands. Your nose was crinkled and your lip was raised. You looked pissed.

"Be patient," he scolded, noticing your expression. "You've gotten less tolerant these past days."

"Something's bothering me, is all," you replied, gliding your thumb across the blade.

"What is it?" He asked. You shook your head.

"Nothing big yet. Just a feeling," you replied, pocketing it. Levi kept his eyes on your figure, even when Mikasa landed on the roof behind him.

"How's it going inside?" He asked, finally turning his head to look to the front.

"If we don't hurry, they'll see through Armin's disguise. And I feel bad for him..." She replied.

"I see."

"How is your leg? Any better?" She asked, turning her gaze to him. Your mouth twitched.

"I can move well enough. It's not bad," he replied, rubbing his knee. You stared at him from the corner of your eyes, but didn't keep them on him for long. "More importantly, these kidnappers... they're nothing but amateurs. Why would they be using guys like this?" Levi stood up and you followed his lead. You let air hiss out of your gloves. It's been a while since you had done that.

"You can handle the rest on your own. I'm heading for Eren. Y/n, come with me," he ordered.

"I figured," you replied flatly, cracking your knuckles. Something was bothering you. Or someone.

"Once you've dealt with the trash, come and meet up with me," Levi added, walking to the edge of the roof. You followed close behind him.

"Roger," Mikasa replied. After a second, Levi stopped. You brushed past his shoulder right on the edge.

"One more thing... I'll tell you, just in case. Tell Armin and the others, too," he said. Your face darkened. You normally would listen whenever Levi talked. Mostly because you liked his voice, but something... something was making your skin crawl. You would never feel this way. This persistent sensation of wariness was annoying you. Someone was trailing you, and they've been trailing you for a while now. Whoever they were, they were giving off a strong urge to fight. You've never felt this way before. It was new. You didn't like new. You wished you could go off and kill them, but you have a mission. It wasn't distracting you from the alertness you felt deep in your gut, though you hoped it would.

"Y/n," Levi's voice raised only slightly. He knew you were focusing on something else, but right now, it was crucial you had your head on straight.

"Sorry," you said flatly, jumping off of the roof and flying over the houses. Levi let out a quiet sigh and decided to ask you later on. You've gotten more quiet lately, as well. You two hadn't been communicating well recently. With everything that's going on, that's to be expected. Except he knew when something's bothering you. He followed you shortly after. In mere minutes you arrived at the street where the covered wagon was in. The real Eren and Historia was inside. You landed on the pyramid-shaped chimney and Levi landed on the roof next to you. Nifa was already there, watching.

"Captain?" You heard her say, a little surprised at his sudden appearance.

"Well?" Levi said expectedly.

"The road is crowded, but nothing unusual. It's not much father to Commander Pixis. How's the body double mission?" She inquired.

"A success," he replied, though his expression said otherwise.

"And yet, you don't look that happy..." Nifa turned her head to him. You watched them from your position up above. You were able to hear their conversation perfectly.

"No..." He replied quietly. You saw his eyes narrow slightly. He was thinking.

"Captain," Nifa said. That successfully drew his attention. "The wagon's almost moving again." She leaned over the roof ever so slightly.

"Nifa, have you heard about Kenny the Ripper?" Levi asked. Your ears perked at that. You've heard of him when you were younger. Although you've never encountered him—or at least you think you haven't, even you knew he was not someone to tussle with so easily.

"The mass murderer in the capital? The one that slit the throats of over one hundred Military Police?"

'Hm. What a fucking loser. Only in the triple digits.' You thought.

"That's just an urban legend from years ago, right?"

"He is real, and the stories are true," Levi replied. "I lived with him for a while when I was a kid." Your eyes travelled to Nifa.

"What? Why would you even say that? This isn't the time to be making jokes."
You didn't miss the slight blush that donned her cheeks.

'I could push her off the roof right now, I swear—' You stopped yourself before you could add onto that thought. Your brows furrowed together. Why were you thinking things like this? You normally never acted like that. Especially on a mission. Something really was wrong with you. Suddenly, violent tingles went up your spine and you spun your head, seeing someone crawl onto the roof.

"Levi! Nifa!" You called. Levi reacted automatically. Nifa acted too late. The contraptions in his hands went off. The bullet cracked the stone right above Levi's head, and went through Nifa's. He took cover behind the stone chimney. You brought out your own gun and aimed it at him. Before you could shoot, the same metal arrow was shot and the tip went right through the muzzle of the gun. Your eyes widened slightly and your head went turning to the left. There, standing on another roof was a person. A black cloth covering everything below their eyes. Stark white hair tied in a braid. You threw your useless gun off of the roof and brought out your sword, jumping from the chimney and swinging the blade towards the man who just tried to kill Levi. Faster than you expected, the same person appeared in front of you and blocked the blow with their metal bow.

"Wow..." She breathed, her eyes crinkling. She was smiling from what you could tell. "Meeting the infamous Y/n L/n is more amazing than I thought!" She loaded and arrow and released it. You released the pressure you were putting on her and deflected it. Within seconds, multiple other people appeared in the air, wearing the same gear as Kenny. The sound of gear turning made you looked up where Kenny flew over your head and in front of where Levi was. He aimed his two guns right at him. You began to run up the roof, but another arrow was shot and barely missed your head. You let out a light growl and turned around to face her. So this person was the reason why you were feeling so shitty? Great.

"Kenny!!" Levi's uncharacteristic shout made something stir inside of you. You stopped where you were.

"I see..." You said, your glare burning holes through her head. "... you're trying to kill him, huh?" 

Ja ne!

{Ruby Red}

"Who are you?" |Reader Insert| |Attack on Titan| |Book 1|Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora