Halloween Special 2018!

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Why is it whenever there's trouble, Erwin calls for you? Levi's his right hand man, and Hanji is very trust worthy and highly ranked, too. So why you? You were only recruited a few hundred years ago. Compared to the veterans, you're a damn baby. To be fair, though, you were one of the highest ranked vampires in terms of power, only being outranked by Erwin who was granted the powers of the Count. Levi was just below you and Hanji was below him.

"Honestly, Erwin," you sighed, walking into his private chambers. "If you're going to rely so much on me, then give me your powers already." You crossed your arms when the blond man let out an amused chuckle from his desk.

"That wasn't a joke." You deadpanned.

"My apologies." He immediately cleared his throat. He turned to face you, his pale skin shining from the moonlight outside his window. How cliché. "We settled our dispute with the Wolf Tribe centuries ago, but there have been problems regarding the House of Demons. Ones that could lead us to a war." He cleared his throat again which sounded awfully dry.

"What exactly did we do to piss them off?" You inquired, already knowing it's going to be a dumb reason.

"One of our Newborns had killed a human in their territory. Leader Ruby's Second in Command is demanding us to give that Newborn to them in exchange for us infringing our agreement," he briefed, red beginning to overcome his crystal blue eyes. From excitement or thirst, you couldn't tell.

"Then just give them the Newborn. It's not like we need them. It's not worth going over to war because of that." You shrugged lightly, not really seeing what the big deal was.

"That's the problem..." He trailed off with a sigh. "The Newborn that had killed the human... was a part of Alpha Group 104." Your lower jaw dropped slightly.

"Isn't that the last group of Newborns that are able to turn for this generation?" You questioned, slowly warding off the shock from your face.

"Yes. And it'll be fifty years before the next generation are mature enough to turn," he replied, his eyes suddenly narrowing into a glare. "Of course, taking into account the amount of vampires you've killed, I would like to say you've screwed us over." His eyes turning to slits. You felt your blood pump harder through your body, your veins darkening and showing through your skin like roots.

"Are we going to ignore the hundreds of thousands of vampires that you led to their deaths during the War of 482?" You challenged, the whites of your eyes slowly turning black.

"They sacrificed their lives so we could settle our foreign affairs. You killed needlessly," he argued, slowly standing from his seat, his eyes now bright red. You could hear the blood flowing through his veins. More so because of how worked up he was.

"Are you saying this is my fault?"
A clap of thunder sounded off in the distance. Erwin heard this and took a deep breath in before exhaling. His shoulders dropped and his eyes returned to their normal hue. His blood pressure also went down. He must remember the only thing differentiating you and him was status. You could very well pulverize him if you wished. He turned to the window and looked out of it, his hands clasped behind his back.

"I'm sending you on a diplomatic meeting to talk with Leader Ruby. She's agreed to negotiate if we are reasonable enough," he explained, his previous persona gone and replaced with a more pleasant one. Much like him, you also calmed down. The smoke clouds cleared away a few miles in the sky.

"Why can't you go? You're the Count," you sighed, swiping your tongue across your teeth.

"Ah, yes, that... well, Leader Ruby and I don't have that good a relationship. It's rather strained. I figured she would listen to you better than me," he replied, sitting back down at his desk. You stared at him. He didn't say anything after that.

"Who are you?" |Reader Insert| |Attack on Titan| |Book 1|حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن