Fated Battle! Jean Kirstein and Olou Bossard vs Y/n L/n!

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Opening your eyes from your deep, slumber wood was above your field of vision. To your right was Levi who was sleeping peacefully curled up to your side. Normally, people would assume Levi was the top and the big spoon, however they're far from being right. Levi was the biggest baby and most obedient pet you've come across. It almost surprised you, but then you saw how he obeyed Erwin unwaveringly.

"Levi," you said softly, wiggling your arm. He groaned lightly and his brows scrunched together, but he was still asleep. You sighed and contemplated on whether to let him sleep or actually wake him up to start the day. "Levi." You said it a little louder. He grunted louder as well and muttered words under his breath which didn't sound like any coherent sentences. He buried his face deeper into your side and tightened his grip on you. You growled in light frustration and turned your head to the night table. Seeing your handgun right next to you, you grabbed it and cocked it. You aimed right above your head.

"Hey, Shithead!!" You shouted right as you shot the gun. Levi yelled in shock and sat right up, wide awake and shocked. He looked over to you when he heard your light laughing. His face immediately turned into a glare once he figured out once happened.

"How nice of you," he said sarcastically as he glared at you. You tossed the gun back onto the night table and spun around off the bed.

"You wouldn't get up."

"So setting off a gun is your last resort? Might as well detonate a bomb."

"I'll remember that when you don't wake up next time." You smirked back at him. He sighed and plopped back down onto the bad.
It was about fifteen minutes into breakfast in the mess hall, but you and Levi weren't there. Which was the perfect time to talk shit.

"I don't even see the big deal about Y/n. Yeah, she can fight, but what else?"

"She thinks, unlike you," Petra replied, annoyed at the young old man.

"Well yeah, but I could probably top her in a match no problem," Olou boasted, smirking.

"If I recall, you would've been dead had Y/n not stepped in to handle the female titan," Eld chimed in.

"Oi! Don't go taking her side!"

"Hey, Jean!" Eren called over to the hybrid.

"What is it Eren?" Jean called back to him, turning away from Connie whom he was talking to.

"Turns out you're not the only one who wants to fight Y/n," Eren explained, turning his head to Olou. Jean hummed, a satisfied smirk on his face.

"Oh? Then what do you say? When Y/n gets in here we fight her?" Jean offered. Olou scoffed, but still had a smirk on his face.

"I highly doubt your skill level is on par with mine, but consider it a deal."

"Consider what a deal?" Your voice rung out. Jean and Olou froze as did everyone else and slowly turned their heads over to the entry doors where you and Levi stood. Your arms were crossed and your eyes were narrowed, as were Levi's.

"Jean and Olou were just boasting about the fact that they could beat in you in battle" Eren replied for them, causing their jaws to drop in shock and utter betrayal. Your brows rose and an amused smirk crossed your face while Levi just glared at the two, causing them to shrink back.

"Oh? Is that so?" You asked, not able to refrain the wide smirk. A bead of sweat rolled down Olou's and Jean's necks out of nervousness. Levi walked past you and took a seat next to Erwin, not wanting to stand anymore. "Well? What are you waiting for? Meet me on the training fields in ten minutes." You turned around and began to walk out of the mess hall.

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