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You let out a sigh as the wind whipped past your face. You and the rest of Squad Levi, plus Hanji, were all riding your way to the Training Grounds. Apparently, last night during dinner, Eren had realized something from the memories he gained during his time in the cavern. Once again, you still don't know where Star was, or what happened to her. So you have a new horse. This one wasn't nearly as good as her, but, he'll do. For now.

Commandant Keith Shadis was his name, if you're not mistaken. He was in charge of breaking in rookies in order to mold them into soldiers. You could probably do better, though. It didn't take long to get there. The ride was smooth and quite short. Like Levi. From what you heard when Hanji explained, he was the 12th Commander of the Survey Corps before that title was passed down to Erwin. She hadn't seen him in a long while. When you tied your horses, all eight of you went down to the training grounds where he stood, back facing you. His hands were clasped behind his back. Eren walked in front of you all.

"Commandant Shadis," he called out. The older man turned his head to look behind him. The most prominent feature you noticed was his dark, sunken eyes. That was the face of a man who's been through things.

'Raccoon eyes.' You thought. Eren saluted him in respect. You felt a light pressure behind you and turned to see Sasha hiding behind you, holding your coat lightly. You raised a brow at her, but didn't say anything.

'From the way she's acting, she must've gotten into trouble a lot.' You thought, turning your head back around only to have his golden eyes burning holes into your soul. You stared back at him with just as much--if not more--intensity. Who you were was no secret, nor was who you were married to. Or, in this case, who was married to you. No words were exchanged, just the fiery glares of two intimidating people. Levi lightly nudged you, forcing you to break your heated glare to look at him.

"Follow me. We'll talk inside," he finally spoke, turning and walking towards one of the small buildings. You grabbed Sasha from behind you and threw her in front, forcing her out into the open before she scurried off to the back. You drifted over to Levi, walking shoulder to shoulder with him.

"Piss off, Levi," you hissed lowly, not in the mood for anyone to hear you.

"He was a previous commander of the Survey Corps. At least show a little regard," he shot back, leaning his head closer to yours. You let out a low growl.

"Anyone who stares at me like that will get one in return," you said, though that was more to yourself than him.

You all were sat in front of a table with you sitting in between Hanji and Mikasa. Sasha, though, was standing over near the opposite wall. Unlike the others, you were leaning back in your chair, though you weren't slouching.

"What's wrong, Braus?" He looked over at her. "Not sitting?"

"No! I am quite fine standing here!" She yelled out in affirmation.

"If I recall... back in the day, I always used to call you in here to chew you out." He gaze went down to the table. "And it's only been a handful of months. I hardly recognize you all anymore."

"Commander Shadis... rather, Commandant..." Hanji spoke up from next to you, "With preparations to retake Wall Maria underway, perhaps you can guess what brings us here today." His eyes turned to look at Eren across from him. You did as well. As usual, there was determination burning his green eyes, except... there was something else in the depths of them.

"Eren. You resemble your mother so much," Keith said after a few seconds of silence. "However, the fangs lurking deep in your eyes are surely your father's." Eren stood up from his seat at the mention of him.

"Tell me about him! Everything you know!" He said.

"I know nothing... in the grand scheme of things," Keith admitted. Your lips twitched slightly, going unnoticed by the others. "However, I can tell you a story utterly useless to humanity. The story of my past... as a mere bystander." You crossed your legs smoothly. So smooth, no one even noticed.

'This is going to take a while.' You thought, holding back a sigh.

He walked down the hall and passed by a large room with several people inside. There were no doors in the doorway, so it was open for all to see. He watched the young adults spar with each other. One threw down the other violently.

"It's interesting to watch, isn't it?" She walked up to him and watched along, seeing another set of sparring partners throwing one another into the wall and smashing their heads against it.

"Indeed," he replied.

"So long as the government doesn't find out," she then pointed out flatly, a small smirk coming to her face.

"Those recruits are from the dirtiest places in the underground. No one will miss them, no one will notice them missing," he said, turning around and walking away from the room. She followed him with her eyes.

"There hasn't been many reports of L/n lately. What's been going on?" She questioned, crossing her arms.

"She's been spending her time with the Survey Corps. Because of that, she's been tamed by their Captain, Levi," he replied. She let a hum of interest.

"The Y/n L/n who's killed more people than anyone being tamed that easily? I highly doubt it." She scoffed, leaning her shoulder against the wall.

"Perhaps 'tamed' isn't the correct word... Levi has been her impulse control as of late. Because of him, he's locked the savage beast deep inside of her," he replied, his voice echoing down the hallway. "Heal the wounded recruits." He turned the corner to another room. She stared at that spot for a few seconds after that before she slowly turned and walked into the room.

After Keith Shadis was done recollecting his past, it was quiet around the table. No one spoke. Not yet.

"So that's... it?" Eren was the first to break the silence. Keith didn't reply. Hanji leaned forward in her seat.

"Now we know the real reason you resigned," she said, "Not to atone for the soldiers you killed, but because you realized you were never special. That's the childish reason you're here." You glanced at her.

"Quit it, Hanji," Levi spoke up from across the table. Her brows only furrowed in anger, her eyes darkening.

"Screw your inferiority complex. Don't run from reality. Isn't that what vowing to give our hearts was all about?!" Her voice rose slightly as she stood up, placing her fist against her heart.

"Please stop, Hanji," Eren said quietly. "The Commandant was right. I was never special or anything. But... I'm the son of a special man. That's all that is." After he said that, everyone turned to look at Shadis.

"Your mother..." He began, "Carla said this..."

You mounted your horse, a soft breeze blowing through. After that delightful conversation with Keith, you were happy to leave. Though, you have to admit, Eren needed to hear what he said, what his mother said.

Is it wrong not to be special? I don't think that way. When it comes to my child, it's fine if he's never great. He doesn't have to be better than anyone. After all, just look at him. He's so cute! He's already special. Because he was born into this world.

Your eyes softened, but only slightly. You did not know how Eren was feeling at that time. After all, you could not relate, but you don't have to. He's a crucial part in humanity's fight against the titans. If he has a mental breakdown, you could have trouble on your hands. Even so, you would easily tell how much he loved his parents. Despite the fact his father turned him into a titan and made him eat him. Oh well. No one is perfect. You whipped the reins and your horse went taking off along with the others.

Ja ne!

{Ruby Red}

"Who are you?" |Reader Insert| |Attack on Titan| |Book 1|Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang