Pt XII- Getting to know you

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She didnt know that her Mistress was leaving right after their session. She ran upstairs to see all their luggage gone. Shivanna slumped to the ground and began to cry. Once she realized it was probably better this way she gathered herself up, went into her restroom and tidied herself up. The girl walked down the stairs feeling very alone, even though she knew rowan was there and the chef. Harris would return after dropping her Master and Mistress off at the airport.
Shivanna decided to visit the barn and talk to rowan. She saw him approaching from the field riding one of the horses.
It wasnt until about a month prior that she realized that rowan was one of the couples pets. She came out to the barn one day but stopped right before entering. She heard the "swish" of a strap landing on bare flesh and the frightened hiss that followed.  She heard Master yell at him about not ordering enough supplies for the animals. From that day on rowan wore the same outfit that she wore. She never brought the subject up to rowan, there was no need to. Shivanna climbed and stood on the wooden fence and watched as he rode in. "Hey "vanna"...soon you will be riding with me." Rowan climbed down off the horses back. Shivanna tried not to look or even think how much it had to hurt riding bareback, but felt her cheeks start to burn. " Yes it was uncomfortable at first, but now its the complete opposite" as he decided to answer the question she was too embarrassed to ask. "Go get the brush please." She jumped down and went into the tack room where her nose was invaded by the strong aroma of leather. Before losing herself in the room she grabbed the brush and almost ran into the side of rowan as he was walking past the door. "Whoaaa...slow down vanna...the horse isnt going anywhere." Shivanna giggled at his remark. The girl walked over and started brushing the horse down as rowan started giving all of the animals their evening hay. "I think we should start your lessons tomorrow. I have a saw horse with padding over in this stall. We will work on your balance and posture. I think you will really enjoy this and ill enjoy teaching you." Rowan walked over and saw that she had finished brushing Neo down. He let her lead him to his stall and lock it up. Walking back she peeked into the "training stall" and got a low tingle when she spotted the saw horse. It resembled a piece of equipment in play room. Rowan came back and pulled on her arm. "Yes,  i got the idea from there now come on." Shivanna followed him out of the barn. He led her to the pool and suprisingly pushed her in. Right when she surfaced rowan jumped in before she could yell at him. They swam, chased and dunked each other and shivanna imagined this is what it felt like to have a brother.  "Hey you two hurry up and dry off, dinner is ready!" They both looked up and saw Harris calling out to them. Neither of them wasted any time doing as told and found Harris inside at the table. "I gave the cook the weekend off. We will have to fend for ourselves or die of hunger." All 3 of them got a laugh from this. One side of the table was set up in buffet it yourself tacos and nachos. Rowan jumped to get his. "Rowan where are your manners (shifting his eyes to shivanna)" Rowan blushed quickly and backed away from the table. Shivanna whispered thank you and started making her plate.
Most of the table conversation was directed towards Shivanna about her life prior to the Flemmings. She provided as much details as possible including her life changing night.
They all cleaned up the kitchen afterwards then took the ATVs down to the beach and sat around a bonfire. Soon they fell into a conversation about "Life before". Rowan was found on the streets of  Brentwood, Essex county in England. His parents died in a house fire and he had no other family to go to, so he survived on the market streets doing anything he could for money and food. Harris left his home in Billings Montana, tired of the abuse, he was 14 at the time. The Flemings offered both of them a life beyond all their dreams and like Shivanna they accepted. They all agreed their lives were much better then what they had before meeting their Master and Mistress. After watching the moon dip below the horizon they made their way back home. 

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