Pt XXX111-Right At This Moment

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Rene was in limbo still. Her husband/Master was gone, but she knew it was his wish that if anything like this happened that Connor would "replace" him. But to what extent? Does she treat him as her husband or is she just a sub to him. She knew the answer would come to her soon enough. In the meantime she always had either Rowan or Shivanna sleep with her...keeping a warm body next to her.
Rowan seemed preoccupied with the horses most the time, and his anger seemed to be right on the edge.  Shivanna seemed to be his easiest target for his yelling bursts. She always knew he didnt mean  it. There were many days where she just sat with him in the barn holding hands lettin, not talking, just letting the silence cover them.

While Shivanna and Rowan were out of the house Connor decided it was time for Rene and himself to have a lil discussion.
He found her lying across the bed reading.
"Rene, its time for you to come back to the play room...Now."
It wasnt a she slid off the bed and slowly followed Connor..her Master.
He has her lie face down on the table and while he secures her eagle style he explains, "Rene Im not your husband and never will be, but your husband-my brother made it clear what role he wanted me to have in this household. With the other 2 I had to make sure they knew this as soon as possible. With you, well Ive given you time. We all need you to come back to us."
Connor selected a flogger not to heavy, but one with a little bite to it.
"Rene, I need you to let your tears flow and Im going to help you. Its time for life to jump back into your soul." As the first pass of the flogger slapped onto her skin. Each strike is harder until you can hear it in her desperate moans. When the tears begin to fall its from the sting, from lonliness, from knowing its not her husband causing the stripes on her back and from being mad that he left her like he did. Her tears fell, her crys continued.
"Let it out more holding it in" as he continued to redden her skin. Her crys become more high pitched as her emotions finally peaked and the tears slowly ebbed away.
Connor let the flogger drop and then unbuckled Renes cuffs and held her tightly.
"Welcome back home rene. We are all going to get thru this. Im not trying to replace your husband or your Master, but as of today-right at this moment I am your Master." 

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