Pt XXVIII-Lost and Found

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A few months passed and seasons were changing. There was more time to spend outdoors, at times in only their flesh.
Shivanna woke up excited about her 1st real horseback ride since they had arrived. Of course she had her morning routine to go through and then they would be off.
During her playtime Master decided other then the flogger on widening her appreciation for some lite caning he would have her wear clover clamps on her ride. The girl initially dispised the wretched things but is getting use to their bite.
As he  had her stand in front of him he let the gator toothed clamps snap on her hardened buds. When she winced he  gently pull on the chain.
"You will wear these until told to do otherwise...yes even on your ride and yes even if you need to slip clothing on. I love how you are embracing the pain and learning to enjoy it. This is just another step. Soon you are going to be pushed beyond your limits so you can find your own space...sub space. But right now (quick she cries out) we are going to keep working on the smaller things. OK now clean up, take some clothes with you and i want Rowan to make sure he has the 2way with him. Its still new country for both of you."
"Thank you Master" as she stands on her tippytoes to give him a kiss.
Shivanna cleaned up as fast as possible but the clovers always seem to slow down her movements. She runs upstairs to wrap up a set of clothes wrapped in a blanket just in case, stops by the kitchen for the lunch and thermos of cocoa from Gladys then runs out the door. The morning chill shocked her. The intensity of the cold on her nipples was almost to much, so she ran faster to the warmth of the barn.
"Master said not to forget the 2way just in case. I think i will wear my jacket at least until it warms up a little. The cold was almost too much on these lil things."
Rowan laughed. "You know you wont get use to it unless you just do it. Try without the jacket 1st. Plus they do look nice on you" as he passed by pretending like he was going to make a slight yank on the chain then laughed.
After tying down the clothes, blanket and lunch they set out. There was still snow here and there but it sure was nice to see the green everywhere else.
They rode for about an hour then stopped by a lake. Rowan thought the lake was closer to the cabin unless this was a different one. After sharing a cup of cocoa they started off again. The clamps were not as noticable to Shivanna now, or her nips were just numb.
They rode around the lake and down into a valley. It had to have been mid afternoon before they were both hungry. After finding a spot, they unloaded their gear and started eating. Shivanna was always surprised how much food Gladys prepared. As the rested in the sun they both dozed off and it was the coldness in the air that woke them both up. Darkness seem to fall quickly on them and they were not sure which way they came from. After they quickly dressed to fight the cold Rowan started looking for the 2way. It then hit him he accidentally left it on the tack table next to his light.
"What? But i told you what Master said! How are we going to get out of here? Im scared Rowan."
"Its ok. I have matches in the lil first aid kit i keep on the saddle. Lets try to find some dry sticks and pine needles. We will get a fire going and when they see we arent home yet Master will come find us." They quickly set to work getting the materials and soon was able to start a fire.
"We need to share our body heat because its going to get colder out here. "  They were soon huddled together under the blanket next to the fire. Thankful that they did have extra food. Rowan told Shivanna she could sleep and he would keep an eye out.

"HE FORGOT THE 2WAY ON THE BENCH!!! Its going to get too cold out there for the basic clothes they took. Dammit! Rene ask Gladys to fix 2 hot thermos for me. I need to go find these 2 and once I see they are alright...dammit!!"

Master bundled up and took extra clothes for the both of them. He left a 2way for rene and took one for himself. After grabbing a light he set out on and ATV  to try and follow the horses trail. It was close to 10pm by now and was more worried then mad. He decided being mad could wait. During the long waiting hours he kept in contact with rene letting her know the directions he was taking then about 4 hrs after leaving the house he sees the dull glow of a fire. He rides closer and finds them both passed out under and blanket huddled close together.
"YOU HAVE SCARED THE SHIT OUT OF US!!( He bellowed)." Shivanna and Rowan screamed from being frightened. Shivanna jumps up and runs to Master begging for his forgivness while on her knees. He reaches into her sweater and pulls her upward by the chain.
"Right now im just happy I found the both of you, we will worry about the rest tomorrow. Lets get the fire out and everything packed. We have a very long ride ahead of us." He walks over to Rowan and gives him a hug. "You are ok, you did good taking care of the both of you but there are consequences for the mistake you made. Now lets get going." They both mounted their horses bundled up in their coats. The sun was partially up by the time they made it back. "Get the horses tended to then in the playroom. Lets just get it over with."
"Shivanna im so sorry. I didnt mean to forget the radio and now we are both in trouble."
"Its my fault too, i shoulda checked to make sure it was packed. We are in this together."
They disrobed quickly when they entered the house and immediately went to the playroom.
"You will each get 10 lashes from the belt by Mistress and 20 altogether, for worrying us so bad. You will then get 5 slaps of the crop for not following instructions. Rowan you will also be reintroduced to the plug to wear for 2wks. Both of you go stand in front of your crosses and lean into your gags. You will stand there with legs spread and arms out without being bound"
They both did as told and the whips from the belts started almost immediatly. Mid way thru they could hear their Mistress crying in the midst of their sniffles. This only made it harder on the inside.
Shivanna reached for the arm of the cross to steady herself before the thwacks of the crop began.
"Let go of it now or i add on 5 more for both of you"
Shivanna quickly let go and could only pray this would go quickly. The leather pad of the crop continued to meet the tender under area of the buttocks. They knew the burning and stinging would continue way after the crops were put away.
When Shivanna turned around  Master quickly took the clamps off her tender nipples. She screamed in pain as the blood rushed back into the buds.
After their punishment was served both of them went to hug their crying Mistress as they knew how much it hurt her to have to do this.
"Go along...shower and then to bed. Dont come down until dinner time even if you cant sleep."
That was no problem for either of them.
When dinner came around the 2 noticed their chairs had been switched out for hard wooden chairs, just so they continue to be reminded of the belt and crop. Shivanna sat down wincing out in pain and Rowan was actually considering skipping dinner.
"We are all waiting for you Rowan...take a seat. Oh and by the way you and i have a little of unfinished business to attend to young man."
Rowan cringed from sitting down coupled with thinking about the plug Master was referring to.
"Yes Sir."
Gladys fixed a nice hearty stew for everyone. It tasted so good and seemed to warm their insides.
After cleaning up Master and Rowan went back to the play room.
Rene called Shivanna to the living room. She had her sit behind her so she could lay back against her pets chest and just be held.

Master chose a medium size plug. He did allow for lube as it had been awhile since a toy had been placed there. As he was on his knees Master had Rowan stroke himself but only until the plug was completely seated. After using his thumb to oil up the puckered entrance, inside and out, he tells Rowan to begin. At the same time he used slow steady pressure to ease the plug into place. As soon as it popped in Rowan pulled his hand away as he tried to steady his breathing.
"Get up now, there not so bad now. 2 wks will fly by quickly for you. Lets go see what the girls are up to."
Rowan slowly made his way upstairs. Both Rene and Shivanna were asleep on the sofa, Rene was leaned back against her pets chest.
Garrett woke both his girls up to head upstairs. After the days event everyone fell asleep quickly.
The next morning there was a surprise waiting for everyone in the sitting room.

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