For Narnia

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I will not mention what was in the kitchen. Just know it took Mint almost 2 hours of banging on my room door and threats before he finally gave up.

I assumed it was safe to go out after an extra hour of waiting.

I took B.W.T.G.H to her stable and gave her some hay to eat. I walked into the house and to the living room where Mint was with some girl.

She looked up at me then looked at Mint, caught an attitude immediately.

"Who is this bitch? Mint! What the hell nigga!"

I laughed as she muffed his face. Her head snapped up to me.

"And what the fuck is so funny? Bitch you must wanna' get popped!"

I laughed even harder.

"Bitch you might pop pills, pop tarts, popcorn but poppin' me? You could never."

After I said what needed to be said, she jumped up and started pulling her earrings off.

I have the power of God and anime on my side.

I'll snatch her shit and be like "boop boop."

She came around the couch where I was and I assessed her.

Oh hell no. I'm finna' get my ass beat.

Her Air Force ones looked like they'd been ran into muddy water, during a marathon, in a fire.

She obviously don't care about life.

Right before she charged at me like a Tasmanian Devil, Mint stepped in between us.

"Niyah chill, chill. It's not even like that! She just staying with us for a while."

"The hell you mean she staying witchall'? Who the fuck is she? Cause ain't no bitch just gone be living here if it ain't me!" She screamed into Mints face.

How.... How you going to tell somebody who can and can't stay in they own house? That's what I want to know.

"She's Domo girl." Mint lied quickly.

Nigga what? Only I'm allowed to lie on me.

"Domo wouldn't date this trashy slut."

"Who the fuck you think you talking to you decrepit potato!"

"You! You blue dyed dog!"

"Do you not know I will stab you? Mint, do she not know I will stab her?"

"She will stab you." Mint cut in.

"You wanna' fight so bad, I'll stab you then you can fight for ya' life sis." I told her.

"So you ugly and crazy? Domo got bad taste."

"You look like my grandma."

"Yo' granny probably ugly as hell."





"I don't know!"

"Well me neither you stupid bitch."

Mint shook his head and took a step back with his head low, his hussy took this as an opening and started coming my way again.

"FOR NARNIA!" I screamed, then football tackled her.

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