Bhocolate Bhip Bhookies

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After dropping Mint off at Costco, (I know I said Winco in the second half of the last chapter but it's Costco cause nobody knows what Winco is. Just go with it.), me and Domo we're driving back to the hotel.

I was going through the glove compartment because I'm a nosey hoe like that.




.......Pink fuzzy handcuffs. Weird flex but okay.

Double Mint Gum.

An old red gummy bear.



................ Extra small magnums.

I held up the rubbers and gave Domo the side eye. He did a double take on them and the second time his eyes got wide and he snatched them from me.

"These are NOT mine." He said, rolled down the window and threw them out.

"You just caused a pregnancy." I told him and started reading the mail I found in the glove box.

"I'm not the daddy, pull out game too strong." He said with a shrug.

"Pull out game non existent." I said under my breath. I guess he chose to ignore me.

"Hmm. Your STD results came back negative. Congratulations." I read them spoke to Domo. He did a double take at the piece of mail I had in my hand then quickly snatched it away from me.

"Good lord they need to find a solution to our clue problem." Domo spoke to himself.

"Clue problem?" I said quizzically.


"No.... My names Blue."




"Say chocolate chip cookies."

"Bhocolate bhip bhookies."

This nigga a fool.

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