The Beginning of a Gymnastics Career

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I jumped awake as I felt continuous pokes on my cheek.

Let a pimp sleep.

I looked up to find a to find Mint looking at me weirdly. "Nigga did you sleep in the kitchen?" He asked me.

I looked down to access the bar stool I was sitting on and immediately regretted it due to my stiff neck.

"You want some breakfast?" Mint asked holding up a banquet dinner.

Y'all know the ones I mean.

With the half cooked chicken fingers, hot on top, cold on the bottom macaroni, and the biggest lie of the century, that deflated ass brownie.

You know you struggled if you ate those as a kid.

I declined.

"Imma' make some eggs." I said hopping off my stool and headed toward the refrigerator.

Mint spun around quickly, "NO THE HELL YOU NOT!" He jumped in from on the ice box before I could open it.

He's acting like I set the house on fi-.

Never mind.

"Okay. Cereal it is." I mumbled and reached up to get a bag of fruit loops. When I lifted the box it felt mighty light so I peeked into the box and saw that baby corner that only ass holes leave.

I let out a breath and grabbed another box, same thing. I checked every box and each one only had about a bite and some crumbs left.

Domo bitch ass.

It's hard out here for a pimp.

Can't make no eggs because you blow up a kitchen one time and everyone wants to hold it against you.

People so petty.

I looked over at Mint who was happily munching on his microwaveable dinner, doing a small dance after every bite. Paying no attention to me.

Must be nice.

Forgetting all about breakfast, I head upstairs to my makeshift room to get showered and ready for the day. The only problem with that was I didn't know how to work it. It was either steaming hot or ice cold.

And that, my friends, is how I ended up taking a cold shower.

I walk into my room with damp hair, shivering like an abused dog. I entered my wardrobe (courtesy of Mint) and took out a blue hoodie, some blue sweat pants and red huaraches.

Naa. Y'all know them hoes was blue too.

I hopped back downstairs to find Mint, I discovered him sitting on the couch in one of the living rooms, yes there are multiple living rooms, watching gymnastics on the curved flatscreen.

That's defeating the purpose.

He looked up and saw me and said "If black dudes didn't think gymnastics was gay, we'd dominate. I seen a nigga flip over a fence with no hands, running from the cops."

I couldn't argue with that

I took a seat beside him and we proceeded to watch the program alternate between the male and female teams.

I've never seen tights so.......... tight on any man.

I've never seen muscles so........ muscle-y on any woman.

This is a very odd sport.

I like it. Therefor I'm going to do it.

I jumped off the couch and proceeded to do a cartwheel.

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