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As October begins the Chicago Cubs 2012 baseball season ends. I don't check the standings often but I'm pretty sure we were either last or close to it. So these last few baseball games would be bitter sweet but I know I can look forward to one thing, and it's seeing two beautiful faces in the crowd.

I sit on the dugout before the game talking to Isabella as Nick messes around with Starlin and Jeff. They loved having him around, probably because they're about as smart as a 5 year old themselves.

"So... I have a interesting proposition for you" Isabella starts.

"What is it" I wonder.

"Well, Nicks class has a bring your parent to school day where one of the parents come in and talk about what they do for a living. As you know Nicky's parents are deceased and I don't have a job so he wanted you to come in" she explains.

"He wants me to be his dad" I ask and she nods. She waits patiently for me to respond as I look at the kid just smiling bright.

"That's awesome, I would love to" I admit and she smiles.

"Really" she questions and I nod.

"He's like a son to me, I mean I don't have a son, but if I did I would want him to be just like Nick. I would love to come talk to his class" I insist.

"There's another catch" she says.

"And that is..." I trial off.

"It's tomorrow" she claims and my eyes go big.

"Wow... okay. I admit, you got me there" I nod and she giggles.

"Are you in or do I need to pretend to be something cool so Nicky doesn't get let down" she claims.

"No need for that, I'll be there" I insist.

"Great, you're the best" she smiles.

"Love you" I say.

"Love you too" she replies.

Eventually Nick comes back as happy as ever and was practically jumping off the walls.

"Alright buddy, settle down. I got some good news but I'm not going to tell you until you calm some" Isabella says and he stops bouncing.

"Okay, I'm good" he claims.

"Anthony agreed to come into your class tomorrow and talk about what he does as your dad" she explains and he lights up all over again.

"This is the best day ever" he yells and I laugh. "Can you brings a bat and a ball and a glove" he asks.

"Yeah, I think I can do one better" I say and he smiles big.

"Oh I just can't wait until tomorrow" he cheers. There isn't much that I wouldn't do for that kid.

The next day Isabella drops me and Nick off at school bright and early. She was going to go out for coffee with one of the other parents while we were at school to pass the time.

"Alrighty buddy, have fun today. Make some friends and stay out of trouble" she says kissing Nicks forehead.

"Same to you" she giggles giving me a kiss on my lips. She goes to pull away but I pull her back in for another kiss. I feel her smile as we break apart.

"I love you" I say and she laughs.

"Never gonna miss a chance to say that again, are you" she asks.

"Never again" I assure her.

"I love you too" she replies and I finally let her go.

I take Nicks hand in mine and he pulls me to his class. He shows me his cub themed cubby and puts his stuff away. Everyone else's was filled more since they stay longer but he doesn't bring it up so I figured he probably hasn't even notice, why start something? After he shows me all the cubbies we sit at his table and he introduces me to the kids that sat there and the parents introduce himself.

"Your dad is Anthony Rizzo" one kid asks.

"Not exactly. He's dating my sister but he's like a dad to me" Nick explains and I try hard not to cry. That meant a lot to me.

"Where is your dad" another kid asks and his mom nudges him.

"My mom and dad died" he replies softly.

"I'm so sorry" the woman says.

"It's okay. I'm happy to say Nick is practically my son" I announce and he smiles up to me.

"Do you really mean that" he asks.

"Of course little man" I nod.

"Isn't your sister a super model, why didn't you bring her in today" another kid asks and I laugh. I would think the same thing honestly.

"She's not a super model, she's just really pretty" Nick explains.

"Ohhh" the little girl gasps and the adults who were listening let out a little laugh.

After the teacher settles everyone down and introduces herself the parents get called up to say who they were and what they did. I stand up in the front of the class and look down the line of people up here with me. There was a lot of lawyers and businessmen and woman, no other people like me. Eventually it was my turn and I look out into the crowd.

"Hello everyone, my name is Anthony Rizzo" I wave and the kids wave back. "I'm here with Nicholas and I play baseball for the Chicago Cubs" I explain. I was in full uniform so it probably didn't take too long for them to figure that out.

"That's really cool, what position do you play" the teacher asks.

"I play first base" I explain and she nods.

"Alright, does anyone else have a question for Mr. Rizzo" the teacher asks and nearly everyone's hands shoot up. Event the parents. "Oh wow, I'll let you call on people" she says and I nod.

"Before we get started can I have Nicky come up here" I ask and he jumps up. He stands in front of me and I rest my hands on his chest. "Alright, lets start with you" I say pointing to a blonde girl from our table who I'm pretty sure Nick had a crush on.

"Does it hurt when you get hit with a baseball" she asks and a lot of kids let out a groan and drop their hands. I guess that was a popular question.

"I do seem to get hit more than most, but it isn't that bad. As long as it's a accident and you're not getting thrown at it's not a problem" I nod.

"Cool" she whispers and I laugh.

"Alright, how about you" I say pointing to a dad in the crowd.

"Do you believe in all the curses and stuff like that" he asks.

"Not at all. Baseball is a game of skill and intelligence, I'm not sure where a goat would fit into that equation" I laugh.

"So you think you can win it all with the Cubs" he wonders.

"I do. I wouldn't be a very good player if I didn't think we could do it. But we're rebuilding right now, I'm not expecting everything to fall into place right in front of me. I signed to stay for at least seven more years so I have some time to get it done. But I see myself winning a championship and I see me doing it here. Of course with the help of Nick" I smile down at him.

"How are you Nicks dad if his dad died" a kid asks and the room falls silent.

The great thing about kids is their innocence and vulnerability. It's also the worst part.

"Although Nicky isn't my kid, I look at him as a son. I help him get ready for school every chance I get, he comes to my games and I can always hear him cheering for me. And we both love his sister, so as far as I'm concerned, this little boy is my world" I smile.

"Thanks Anthony, I love you" he says.

"Love you too kid."

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