Forty Four

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Today was the day. Isabellas water broke this morning and we got her to the hospital with no complications. My parents and Ciara and Nicky wait in the waiting room as we prepare for a baby.

"How are you doing" I ask as she lays in bed. She was about eight centimeters dialated with no drugs in her system, but was pretty calm if you ask me.

"I'm a little tired" she admits.

"What do you need" I ask.

"Can you hold me" she asks on the verge of tears.

"Yeah, is everything okay" I ask.

"Can you just hold me" she repeats. I slide into the bed and wrap her in my arms. I rub her arms as we lay there waiting for a little bit. Every time there was a big contraction I pull her closer to me. If I could take the pain away I would. I wanted to have the baby as soon as possible for so many reasons but mostly so she doesn't have to be in so much pain anymore. I know she struggled with being pregnant towards the end and I can't wait to have the baby here and my girl back.

"Are you sure you don't want a epidural" I ask.

"No" she insists.

"No one will be mad or judge you if you did" I encourage.

"It'll be okay" she claims and I nod.

After about another hour she was fully dilated. The doctors decide that the best way to do this was a C-Section and Isabella was okay with it so I was too. A natural birth sounds terrible honestly. They inject the numbing agent into her back and she gets laid down. They set up the little curtain and start to go to work. She grabs my hand and rubs the back of it.

"I love you... so much" she says softly.

"I love you too" I reply and she smiles. She looks up as a tear rolls down her cheek. I catch it as she lets out a sigh.

"What's wrong" I ask.

"I'm scared" she admits.

"People have C-Sections all the time" I try. She turns to me and I could just tell something isn't right.

"Can I have a kiss" she asks and I become confused. But I wasn't going to deny a kiss so I give her one. She lets her lips linger as long as possible. She opens those beautiful blue eyes and I get a bad feeling.

"What's going on" I ask. She starts to talk but the doctors announce they were about to pull out the baby. She lays her head down and closes her eyes. I run my fingers through their hair as the doctors work really quickly to get the baby out.

I hear the sound of the baby crying and smile. For a moment the world stops as she lets out a loud wail, who would have known that sounded so beautiful?

I was differed from the baby when I hear the sound of the machine that was monitoring Isabella start to beep like crazy. They whisk the baby off and suddenly chaos ensues. A bunch of doctors rush in and there was people talking and machines beeping like crazy and no one explaining to me what is happening. It was loud and crazy and so very confusing.

"What's happening" I ask a lot louder than I intended. But in my defense I was freaking the fuck out.

"Sir, I'm going to have to ask you to leave" a doctor says putting a hand on my chest to guide me out. More doctors rush in as he guides me away from Isabella who had flat lined not too long ago.

"Not until someone tells me what the fuck is going on" I scream. I see Isabella on the operating table unconscious and bleeding everywhere. People touching her everywhere but no one bringing her back to life.

Heart of Gold (Anthony Rizzo)Where stories live. Discover now