Forty Seven

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"Is it all ready" Nicholas asks.

"Pretty much" I shrug. I've never done this before but it looks ready to me.

It was early December and I was in the midst of a project. A huge one actually. It's been stressful but it's almost time for everything to fall into place and I hope it all works out.

Before everything went to shit, there was a day where Isabella and I were hanging out like usual. I asked when she wanted to get married and originally she said immediately. Then she said December and I got to thinking, how cool would a surprise wedding be? She wouldn't have to worry about about planning and getting everything perfect because it'll already be done. She wouldn't expect it to be this December but I don't want to wait until next year. Why put off until tomorrow if you can do today?

So when I almost lost her I decided that I was not going to wait until next December to get married. We can get married this December and it will be a total surprise. 

It's been hard keeping it from her. She's really smart and I'm always around her but I usually keep her busy with school making sure she does all her work and making sure she keeps up with Jackson. That's a handful right there. Ciara and Jon and my parents have helped me out a lot too. Everyone's been super helpful and I love it.

As of right now the wedding was set for next week. A few days before Christmas here in a little chapel in downtown Chicago. It was beautiful in there, real intimate and aesthetically pleasing. The reception wasn't far away, it will give us some time to calm down before kicking it up again on the way over.

There was only forty people invited. Just close friends and family really. They all know and they've been helping me keep her distracted so she didn't find out. I told everyone to wear colorful things to the wedding then I will explain it when we get there. It didn't have to be real fancy, just real colorful.

I wanted to do a rainbow themed wedding to represent the rainbow after the storm. She's been through some shit, and now it's time she gets the pretty part of life. She has her daughter and Nicky and we can get married after she thought we couldn't. She's still alive despite all these been through the past seven years and in a way she is the rainbow that shows up after the storm. I think all the colors represent all the different beautiful things about her. Like a rainbow every part of her is unique and pretty in its own right, but together they make something beautiful, and that's her. So the cake was a different colors and the flowers were bright and vibrant. Her bouquet was insanely gorgeous and I can't wait to see her walk down the isle with it in her hands.

I picked out her dress yesterday and I cried just thinking about her in it. It was mature and simple yet so beautiful, just like her. I couldn't wait until next week man.

"Alright, lets go through the check list" Nicky says as we look at everything prepared for us to set up in the corner. We couldn't set up yet because they were still using the church in the meantime but we wanted to make sure we were ready.

"Shoot" I encourage.

"Flowers, chairs, centerpieces" he starts.

"Check, check, and check" I nod.

"Okay. Rings, dresses, tuxes, and bouquets" he lists off.

"Thankfully they're all right here" I say.

"Well we can't check off the food because if it was here right now it will be all icky. But we have plates and napkins and the treats right" he asks.

"We do. But there might be a few less m and m's" I admit and he shakes his head.

"For shame Anthony. Aren't you supposed to be watching your figure for your big day" he asks.

"Maybe" I mumble.

"Okay, last thing for today. Do you have your vows" he asks.

"I do" I assure him.

"It looks like you have everything ready" he says.

"Physically yes" I admit.

"She's going to love it. I know my sister better than anyone. Plus there's cake, who doesn't like cake" he scoffs. 

"You're so right buddy" I laugh.

After talking things over with the wedding planner all we can do is wait now. Everything is set and ready to go and now we just have to wait until the day.

We get home and Nicky grabs Charlie and heads to his room. I find Isabella in the spare staring at the screen. She was doing so well in school and that made me super happy.

"Hey bookworm" I start and she turns around with a big smile. She jumps up from her chair and latches her arms around my neck. That's the quickest I've seen her move since the surgery. "Wow, someone is feeling better" I notice.

"I am doing... amazing" she claims.

"Well tell me what's going on" I encourage.

"I just got my grades back, I got a a in all my classes. I got my degree" she squeals.

"Now way! That's awesome baby" I say picking her up and swirling around. I set her down gently but she stays in my arms.

"I'm so happy. Things are finally going my way" she sighs.

"I'm so proud of you" I smile.

"Thank you, you're looking at a future heart disease specialist" she smiles.

"The sexist heart disease specialists" I claim.

"And" she encourages.

"And you're so freaking smart" I add on.

"And" she giggles.

"And the most amazing human being I have ever met" I insist.

"That's pretty good" she admits.

"I know we are" I smirk.

Heart of Gold (Anthony Rizzo)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora