Thirty Seven

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Today I finally go in for a doctors appointment to check up on how myself and the baby was doing. I went to the doctors when I first found out I was pregnant to make sure I was really pregnant and now I get to find out the good stuff. Although I'm not excited for all those detailed examinations I am excited to find out more about my baby.

I sit in that chair as the doctors mess with me. It was a little weird with Anthony in there but thankfully for me he just acted like he was on his phone. They clean me up and take my blood and do some tests to figure out how far along I am and other things.

The doctor comes in smiling and I loved that, after being at the doctors and getting the long faces it's nice to have good news for once.

"So it looks like you're about five months along and you're both healthy. Your blood work and urine samples came out clean so there's nothing to worry about. Keep up the healthy lifestyle and it should be a smooth pregnancy. Lets get a sonogram to see if we can see what your having and check the heartbeat" the nurse says and I nod.

She lays my down and lifts up my shirt. She puts some gel on my stomach before turning on the machine and going in search for my baby. After a little while the babies little body pops up and I smile. You can hear its little heart beat and it honestly sounded beautiful.

"Sounds like you have a strong little heart beat in there" she claims.

"That's like music to my ears" I admit. I can't take someone else I love having a heart problem. I would lose it.

"And it looks like you're having a little... girl" she announces.

"YES" Anthony yells jumping up from his seat and the nurse and I turn to him he stands there looking at the sonogram with his arms raised above his head and the biggest smile on his face. "I mean... that's cool" he shrugs sitting back down and I shake my head.

They clean me up and give us a picture of our little girl before sending us on our way.

We head home where Nick and Ciara was hanging out. We close the door behind us and they both pop their head over the couch. They run over to us asking a million questions at a time and I laugh.

"Calm down please, I don't understand a word you are saying" I admit.

"So... how was it" Ciara asks.

"It was good. I'm five months along and everyone is healthy" I nod.

"And the baby is a..." she encourages.

"A GIRL" Anthony nearly screams and I giggle at how excited he is about it.

"Oh that's so exciting. I'm so happy for you guys" she says giving me a hug.

"I'm gonna have a little sister" Nicholas asks.

"Yeah" I say bending down the best I could.

"Can I still play baseball with her" he asks.

"Yeah, you never know. She might be an amazing baseball player" I explain.

"That's so cool. So we can still role play and go to games and play in the backyard" he asks.

"Yeah buddy" I smile.

"Then I can't wait for her to be here" he claims.

Ciara goes off to work and we go out back with Nicholas. He plays on the new play set Anthony put up not too long ago and runs around. He was pretty good at entertaining himself.

"So you're excited to have a girl" I ask.

"A little" he smirks.

"Would you have acted the same if it was a boy" I wonder.

"Probably not" he admits.

"Can I ask why you're so excited" I wonder.

"I don't know... we already have a perfect boy. I think it would be great to have two beautiful girls in my life that I can my own" he claims.

"Awww that's so sweet" I smile.

"I try" he shrugs.

"What girl names do you have in mind" I ask.

"I don't know. I'll know when I see her. That little nose and cute cheeks. Until I can see her for myself I'm not sure what her name would be. It has to fit her though" he insists.

"What would you rename me if you could" I wonder.

"I think your name is perfect for you. I think Isabella is both very beautiful and strong. Izzy is perfect for your friends because it's laid back like you and it's catchy. I can hear it all day. I personally love Bella because it's so beautiful. It rolls off the tongue and when I look at you and say that I feel so right. It's perfect for you, I would never change it" he explains.

"I would totally change your name to Tony" I tease and he rolls his eyes.

"Of course you would" he laughs.

"I wouldn't change a thing about you. Not your name or who you are. I love you, Anthony, and I always will" I insist.

"I think I like that answer better" he smiles.

"I'm still going to call you Tony" I insist.

"I would be stupid to think it would happen any other way."

We spend the rest of the afternoon playing pirates in the backyard. I enjoy myself but I wish there could be more.

"We should build a tree house" I mention as all three of us laid under the large oak tree staring at the sky through the branches.

"Why" Anthony asks.

"It would be bad ass" I shrug.

"I could live in it" Nick claims.

"There no wifi in a tree house" I say.

"Well then that sucks. What are you supposed to do in a house without wifi" he asks.

"A lot of things. It can be where you go when you need to get away. It's where you can create a perfect little world that would never hurt you. You can be whatever you want to be in that little place, the possibilities are endless. Then when you come home from playing all day you can continue to dream" I explain.

"Forget the wifi, I want to live in there again" Nicholas claims.

"You're not living in a tree" I says and he sighs.

"No fair" he pouts.

"Are you a bird" I ask.

"I wish" he claims.

"Well you're not. You're human and you will live in a house" I insist.

"Fine" he mumbles.

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