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November 2nd 2016

Columbus Ohio

11:52 pm

"Mommy I'm tired" my little girl says as she stays curled up in my arms. A large cubs jacket covering her small body as she fights off the cool air.

"I know baby, hopefully the game will be over soon" I try. God I hope I was right.

"Daddy won" she asks peeking her little head up so she can see the field.

"I'm hoping" I sigh.

It's been almost three years since Anthony and I got married. It's been over three years since Bella was born and Nick got a new heart. And while a lot can happen in three years, not a lot has changed.

Nicholas is in fourth grade now and he is killing it. He finally started to grow and is the size of a normal boy. That sucks for Anthony because he still acts like he's petite and runs into Anthony's arms all the time still. But Anthony claims he's doing that until he can't anymore. But nick is ten now, he's in the double digits and is starting to lean from being so dependent on Anthony and I. I hate it but my little boy is growing up, what can I say?

As for Bella, well she's been my little angel from day one. She is the sweetest little thing ever and Nicky is obsessed with her. He is so over protective that he even warns me to be careful with her. She is a whopping three years old now and she's already been to some cool places. She's daddies little girl and travels sometimes when we can all make it. She loves going to the field early and playing in the grass. She could ask for anything and Anthony will give it to her in a second, it's the eyes, I swear it. Thankfully she doesn't ask for much, she's pretty contempt with playing with Nicholas. He lets her do his hair or she'll throw a baseball for nick to field. I hate to say it, but my kids were perfect. I wouldn't change a thing about it.

As for me, I work with the Cubs and their charities. I set up events or collect donations or do whatever to help people. A lot of the guys on the team like Anthony and Lester and shwarber have their own charities so I help them create events and connect them with the Cubs. Anything to help people as they've helped me my whole life. Most specifically I work with raising money for heart disease, trying to find that hope my family was given and spread it to others.

As the years go by my grandparents tend to lay back. I never hear from them anymore, and I was far from upset about it. It was less stress in my life.

And as for the team, well they've been doing pretty good. Right now they're playing in game seven of the World Series and are looking to pull off the tenth inning upset over the Indians. It was a long road to get here, hence why my girl was tired, but it was all but worth it.

"We need a out here" Nicky mumbles.

"That's how baseball works" I scoff and he glares at me. "Sorry" I smirk and he rolls his eyes. I might see him as my own kid but I still treat him as my little brother. I always will.

"Hey champ" Anthony's dad says sitting back down next Nicky.

"Hi grandpa" he smiles. Laurie sits next to me and Bella wakes a little. Jon talks to Nock while I talked to laurie.

"Are you and Anthony going to make it to the agency tomorrow" she asks looking at her watch.

"At this rate I am just hoping to get home before this one falls asleep" I admit pulling my tired girl into my chest.

The original plan was to go to the adoption agency tomorrow to possibly take home a baby. We had been going through that whole process over the last year and we finally go approved. They have a kid they think will be a perfect match for us but this game never seemed to end. We were in extras and had a rain delay but we had a chance to win it all once again.

"Well if you need us let us know. We would love to catch up with the grandkids" she claims.

"Why don't you guys take them for a day or two" I ask.

"Really? You wouldn't mind" she asks.

"Of course not. They love you guys so much and I know them spending time with you would be good for them" I insist.

"Thank you sweetie" she smiles.

"Any time" I nod.

After four hours of baseball and seventeen minutes of rain we finally won the World Series. Bella wakes up enough to celebrate as Nick picks her up and they start screaming. I record them on my phone because it was so cute and tuck my phone away.

After a while we're allowed down on the field and I find my guy. He picks me up and spins me around before placing me on my feet again.

"I'm so proud of you" I smile.

"I can't believe this" he admits.

"Remember when we watched the Blackhawks win on my birthday a few years ago" I ask.

"Yeah" he nods.

"That's the second coolest historical thing I've seen" I admit.

"I'm honored to be a part of your nerdy sports life too" he teases and I roll my eyes. He presses a kiss to my lips and it stops me from giving attitude... for now.

"Where my boy" he asks. Nick comes running full force before launching himself in Anthony's arms. Anthony catches him easily as Nick wraps his arms around him.

"That was so epic! Anthony you were amazing" the young man claims.

"Well if you said it, it must be true" Anthony claims.

"Exactly" Nicholas agrees.

We take a bunch of pictures with the trophy and the other players. Nick was still a fanboy at heart and I hope he never changes.

After a lot of celebrations we get home early the next morning. The sun had already come up and our kids were passed out. Anthony and I get them into their respective beds before crawling in our own. I change from the jersey I was wearing and sit in the bed. I look at the pictures we've been collecting and smile when I get to one that was blown up. It was from the fundraiser we had to get Nicks a new heart. He was flexing his muscles as he sat in Anthony's shoulders with Jon next to them. I sat under Anthony's other arm and we all had shirts that said "heart of gold" on it. If I knew back then how things would turn out I would tell myself to calm down. To trust your heart.

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