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"In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life:

It goes on"

- Robert Frost


Ginny's P.O.V.:

"I'm sorry, Ginny."

We sat at the same spot Hermione and I was at earlier.


He sighed, guilt clouding his expression.

I turned away and faced the crowd.

I didn't want his pity; I wanted answers.

"You're an amazing woman, Ginny Weasley, you are, but I don't think that I want a relationship right now."

I clenched my teeth, irritated by his words. "So you've strung me on for two years and now you decide that you don't want to be together?"

"I just got offered a higher position in the Auror department, Ginny," he explained, "I'll be working all the time and I don't have time for a relationship. I just don't think it's meant to be between us, Ginny."

"You were hardly home, to begin with! Now you want to work more?"

I sighed finishing the rest of my drink before standing up.

"Don't worry. I get it," he looked confused, "Work is always first to you."

He had the audacity to look relieved, "Thanks for understanding, Ginny."

I can't believe him.

"I hope the four of us can still be friends?"

I grabbed my purse before turning to him. "I need some time and I'm sure that Hermione does too."

He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. "But we're still friends though, right?"

I huffed. "Why do you care? After all," I said sarcastically, "you've got your work, what else do you need."

I hurried out of the club, pushing people out of the way to get to the door.

I would have put you first.


Hermione's P.O.V. :

"Look Hermione-"

"Don't- Don't give me some stupid reason as to why we're not compatible. I don't want to hear it."

I paused, tears tugging at my eyes. "I want the honest truth."

He nodded.

"Did you cheat on me? Is that why?"

He blinked in surprise. "No! No, you've got it all wrong!"

"Then what is it!"

The loud noise around us carried on, oblivious to the two upset people in the corner booth.

He paused, licking his lips before meeting my eyes again.

"Hermione. We've been friends for years, and I've liked you for a very long time, but recently I've been having second thoughts."

He said it like it was supposed to explain everything.

"Haven't you ever noticed how we can't seem to agree on hardly anything? Doesn't this feel a little forced to you?"

My throat was tight and I swallowed, trying to rid the feeling.

"Why did you wait so long to tell me?" my sadness slowly turned to anger, "How long have you felt like this?"

He shifted in his seat, slightly uncomfortable. "A few months," he mumbled.

"A few months!"

"Look, Hermione, I just didn't want to destroy our friendship. Years of being friends just shouldn't go down the drain because we didn't work out," he reasoned.

"I mean, what did we have in common anyway? You like reading, I don't. I'm fun, you're- you're kinda fun," he stuttered on the last sentence.

I opened my mouth in shock. "I can be fun!"

He gave me a really look.

"Okay, maybe I'm not the life of the party, but look! I'm at a club right now! What's not fun about that?"

"Hermione, Ginny probably dragged you here."

I narrowed my eyes at him, "You're right. We wouldn't have worked out because you can't take anything seriously!"

"It's not my fault you can't take a joke half of the time!"

I scoffed and stood up, seeing Ginny head towards the door.

"I can, too, take a joke!"

"Yeah right!"

"You know what, Ronald. You can take your jokes and your don't care attitude and go find someone who's willing to put up with it!"

I wasn't that angry with him, I knew that we were starting to fall apart. But it still stung: the possibility of what could have been being no longer possible. I wish he had some stupid reason as to why he was breaking up with me because maybe then, I could be mad about it, but he made some decent points.

"Goodbye, Ron. I need some space, but I really hope this doesn't affect our friendship."

He looked slightly upset that this probably didn't go as well as he planned.

"Okay, goodbye." I turned around and began to go after Ginny.

Keep your head high, Hermione, I reasoned to myself. It's not the end of the world.

I made my way out the door, seeing her a ways ahead of me and moving quick.

"Ginny!" I shouted. I ran after her, suddenly thankful that I had worn flats tonight.

How was she this fast in heels?

She was only a block away from the alleyway. I sped up realizing that she was about to walk right through the street without looking at the cars that were driving through. I started to close in on her right as she started to cross the street. "Ginny! Watch out!" I screamed at her. Realizing that she was going to get hit by an ongoing car, I did the only thing I could think of.

I shoved her out of the way.


Ginny's P.O.V. :

"Ginny! Watch out!" Someone screamed out to me. Realizing that I was about to get hit by a muggle car, I tried to move out of the way but I wasn't fast enough. I heard the screech of the tires, horns blaring and I was suddenly shoved from behind. I fell towards the ground and put my arms out to protect me, but the impact wasn't enough to stop my head from hitting the ground.

Pain spread across my head before everything went black.

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