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Ginny's P.O.V. :


He leans his head around the corner that separates me from the kitchen. "You called?"

I rolled my eyes, "Oh shut up and help me find the popcorn. I know it's in here somewhere."

I scoot up closer to the pantry to see if it's somewhere in the back while he looks up top.

"Oh, there it is!" I hear him say. I turn around to notice that I'm sandwiched in between Blaise and the pantry because he's trying to reach for the popcorn box right above me. He freezes when he notices how close we are and we lock eyes. He then slowly brings the popcorn down, never breaking eye contact. I smile lightly at him and grab his shoulder to move around him and head to the kitchen to start up the popcorn.

Fate, for some reason, was not on my side and decided that my clumsy feet had to go and trip over the grocery bags Hermione told me to put up the other day before someone trips over them.

Hate it when she's right. Again.

My arms flailed out for a handle or something to grab on to, only to not find any. I felt gravity pull me down and I closed my eyes, waiting to hit the ground.

I waited.

And waited.

And waited.

But the impact never came.

"Ginny," Blaise said in a sing-song voice. "Open your eyes."

I opened my eyes to come face to face with Blaise. I slowly stood up and took a half a step back.

"Thanks for catching me, that would have probably hurt," I admitted, twiddling my fingers behind my back with my head tilted down a little in embarrassment. I looked up at him through my lashes to see him already staring at me.

A joking grin came on his face, "It's alright. I guess you really did fall for me now didn't you?" His smirk grew slightly when my face turned a little pink.

"Oh please, is that the best you've got? Pick-up lines aren't even funny, much less coming from you," I said, smiling when his face looked shocked.

His hand flew to his chest, "My heart." He fell onto his knees, then on his back, then closed his eyes and had his tongue hanging out of his mouth for affect. An evil thought then came to mind, and I smiled evilly.

I quickly grabbed the lemon juice that I left on the counter the other day, and then unscrewed the cap. I lowered it down to his open mouth and quickly poured some in it.

Lets just say he "woke up" real quickly. He stood up and started spitting into the sink, while I screwed the cap onto the lemon juice and put it up. I turn to look at him to see him scraping his tongue off with a brush.

"Uh, Blaise?"

"Don't talk to me," he half pouted, half grumbled.

"Fine, I guess you don't want to know that we wash the dirty dishes with that brush." He looked surprised and dropped the brush in the sink before wiping his tongue off with a towel. "That towel is dirty."

"Ahh!" He drops the towel and starts spitting in the sink again. I go get him a cup of water and he starts swishing the water around in his mouth and then spitting it out.

"Blimey," he said when he was done. "Is anything in this house clean?"

"Well, there was a clean towel hanging above you that you could have grabbed, but I guess you just got lucky with that dirty towel," I told him while smiling widely. He fake pouted again, so I tried to cheer him up. "I bet you don't even know any good pick up lines anyway."

His head snapped up, his pout gone and a challenging gleam in his eyes.

I showed him how to make popcorn while he started on his pickup lines.

"Are you a bank loan? Because you got my interest," he told me while I pushed the popcorn button on the microwave and turned back to him.

"Ehh not really."

He huffed.

"Do you believe in love at first sight, or should I walk by again?"

I smiled lightly, laughing on the inside. I kept up the show to irritate him though. I shrugged my shoulders, "Maybe."

He tugged on his shirt, "You know what material this shirt is made out of?" He paused for affect. "Boyfriend material."

"Clever, but no." I turned back to him to look towards the microwave, seeing that the popcorn is done.

"Did it hurt when you fell from Heaven?"

I froze and a small smile spread across my face. I quickly hid my smile, turned around and acted "offended."

"Did you just call me Satan?"

His smirk dropped and his eyes widened in in shock. "I didn't mean it like that. It was meant to be a compliment but-"

I start laughing and his face turned confused before it morphed into sarcastic laughter.

"Wow. Ha ha ha. Sooooo funny," Blaise said, rolling his eyes with a small smile when I collapsed on the floor laughing. After a second of me laughing, he joins in unable to resist. He goes to help me up, but I yank him onto the floor next to me, still messing with him.

"You're mean," he crossed his arms and a small pout formed on his face.

I have messed with him a lot.

"Yeah, sorry. I kind of felt bad about the lemon juice incident and a while ago I knew that you were just trying to joke with me and I just couldn't pass up the opportunity to mess with you," I explained, feeling slightly guilty.

He chuckled and I turned towards him, surprised at his mood change. "It's okay, I'm not really mad. You were quite clever if I do say so myself." His hair fell almost to his eyebrows in small black curls that looked soft and luscious. Those big brown eyes held many memories of both hardship and laughter. I blinked and scooted back some when I noticed that we both unknowingly leaned towards each other a little. He stood up and helped me up, both of us still smiling at the earlier events.

"Where's Draco and Hermione?" Blaise asked, tearing his eyes from mine.

"I don't know, I think they were looking for the movies last I knew." I scrunched my eyebrows in confusion as I looked at my watch. "That was twenty minutes ago."

We looked at each other and he wiggled his eyebrows suggestively, smirking when I shoved him slightly, a smile on my face.

We walked around the house, me in the lead with Blaise close behind. There was only one room left.

Hermione's room.

He raised one eyebrow with an mischievous smile, "One way to find out."

I took a step forward and opened the door, not expecting to see what I did.

"What in Merlin's name are you to doing cuddled up on the floor?"

*Hey guys! Thank you so much for reading this Blinny chapter! Hope you enjoyed it!

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