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*August is on the right, Alex is on the left. I don't actually know these two, I just found this picture of twins that I thought could play the part of August and Alex and these two just seemed perfect. If you do know them, tell them thanks for the picture and to call me....I'm just kidding......no I'm not....Anyway....hope you like this chapter 😉

Draco's P.O.V. :

I heard Hermione's intake of breath as she stared at her new co-workers. Confetti was everywhere along with other shredded pieces of paper and a slight smell of something burning. Balloons covered the top of the ceiling and a welcome poster hung sideways on the far wall next to the door to my office. August and Alex both had their wands brandished with smiles on their faces while Sandra was sitting in the corner at her desk, half working and half watching the guys in their kind of duel. Gracen, though, was sitting behind her desk, leaning backwards and eating popcorn. Oh, Merlin this was not going according to planned.

I rubbed my hand over my face and was about to get on to them when I heard a stifled laugh from behind me. I turned around to see Hermione laughing at the situation, and more precisely, August and Alex. Hmm, maybe this wasn't going to be too bad.

The twins looked relieved once they realized that they wouldn't be getting chastised for what they've done. Gracen and Sandra both stood up and started coming our way, seeing that the duel was over. Hermione pulled her wand out and waved it around, causing all of the confetti, paper, balloons, and the burning smell to disappear.

Hermione's P.O.V. :

"Thanks, for that. Usually little Draco over here would make me pick it up, but not today," said one of the twins. He was slightly taller than his brother, but not much. He had light green eyes that shined with seriousness and mischief, just like his brothers hazel ones. "The name's August, Augustus Sacremente, but I usually go by August. I'm the head of Production." I shook his hand then he gestured to his brother. "And this here is my dimwit of a bro-"

"I can speak for myself, you git," the hazel eyed brother said, pushing past August with both of their eyes shining with playfulness, telling me that they were just messing with each other. "I'm Alex Sacremente, but they just call me Alex. Head of Research and Development." He shook my hand, just like his brother then leaned towards me and half whispered, "You'll like me better, though."

I smiled at their playful manner, thinking of Fred and George, my smile slowly fading at the thought. No one noticed, though Draco might have. He looked at me out of the corner of his eye and raised an eyebrow, but I didn't respond, letting him think that I didn't see it. I put a smile on my face when the two other women walked up to me to introduce themselves.

One of the ladies with darker skin and black curly hair walked right up to me and hugged me, taking me by surprise. After recovering quickly I returned the hug, wrapping my arms around her smaller frame to not wanting to be rude. She pulled back with a smile on her face, making me notice that she was one of those people that made others smile just by smiling. Unconsciously, a genuine smile came on to my face, not fake in the least.

"Hello, it's a pleasure to meet you! I'm Sandra, Head of Human Resource Management! It's so nice to finally meet you! Draco has just told us so much about you!" I raised an eyebrow at him and gave an amused smile when he just shrugged and smiled. Sandra continued though, unaware of the silent interruptions. "Honestly, I hope you like it here. The last person we had was a stuck up snob that was very rude and strict-"

"Sandra!" Said a round-faced, blonde-haired lady that was slightly taller than my 5'4'' frame. "You're too nice! She was a evil git and set here on this earth to annoy whoever the hell she comes in contact with." Her voice then came out high-pitched. "You are disgusting pig-faced dimwits that are too stupid for a job as important these. Honestly, if you were all from Beaubaxtons, like me, you might actually be decent at running a company."

We all chuckled lightly, the others laughing at the accuracy of her statement. She turned to face me and held her hand out. "I'm Gracen Heath, Head of Purchasing. It's nice to meet you." I shook her hand and got a good look around the office.

(Imagine five of these along the walls and with Draco's a private office)

(Imagine five of these along the walls and with Draco's a private office)

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(My masterpiece 👆, voila )

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(My masterpiece 👆, voila )

"Would you like to see your office?" Draco asked, stepping into the conversation.

I smiled and answered with a nod, "I'd like that." He led me to the only empty glass office in the room. I stepped inside, taking in the blank desk that was just screaming for paperwork. "Thank you," I told him and he nodded, giving me some privacy. I looked around and unpacked some things before going out to get to know my co-workers.

Throughout the morning I laughed with Gracen and learned that she was twenty-five and was a Slytherin a couple of years ahead of me, the twins were from Dumstrang and were twenty-six, and Sandra was a twenty-three year old Ravenclaw. I looked around and smiled at my new friends, for once actually excited to be able to go to work.

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