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*I imagine Tabitha played by Alexis Knapp but y'all just imagine whoever y'all want. Enjoy ;) *

What's in a name?

That which we call a rose by any other name

would smell as sweet.

- William Shakespeare

Hermione's P.O.V. :

A scream sounds from the other room.

"Ginny!" I run back into the living room, wand in hand once again. Just like before, though, there's still no danger. "Ginny what did I tell you about screaming..in....the the....house...." I trail off when I finally get a good view of the newspaper that she is waving in my face.

"Oh my Merlin! Is that-"

"Mmhhh," she nodded excitedly.

"Are you for real!"





"We have to tell the boys at lunch!"

"Alright," I start walking towards the door then turned around when I remembered something. "Ginny I forgot to tell you that it will only be Blaise and you at lunch."

She turns to look at me as she walks towards the fireplace. "Why?"

"To really sell the relationship, but we'll all eat supper together. Whether it be here, at their place, or out at a restaurant," I replied as I opened the door, wand and purse, in hand.

"Oh, okay. Well, I'll see you tonight then." And with that, she stepped into the fireplace and was gone in seconds. I stepped outside of the apartment then disapparated into the ministry. After walking across the ministry, and receiving quite a few compliments on how I look, I finally make it to my office. I look up to the top of the door to see the fancy cursive writing "Ministry of Magic Department of Law, Assistant to the Head: Hermione Granger." I then open the door to my small office to see the last person I would want to see sitting in my office chair.

Tabitha Greengrass.

My boss.

Astoria's older sister was Head of the Department. I don't know how because to be honest, she's about as smart as Goyle. Maybe not even that much. How she became the head, I honestly don't know. I bet it has to do with that big Gringotts account that her pureblood family has.

"You're late," she states coldly.

"By one minute, and since when did you know how to read a clock?" I retorted back to her, knowing that it would make her mad. It's not like she's going to fire me. Who else would do her work for her? It's not that I enjoy having to do her work. It's just that the minister visits this department frequently so he expects us to act in a mature manner since we are all mature adults.

"I put some more paperwork on the pile that needs double checked then filed. When you're done with that you can come to my office for the rest," she says snottily glancing in the direction of the papers. I look over to see two, three-foot-high stacks of papers and folders standing beside the desk. Ughh, I thought bitterly to myself.

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