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*Thanks for reading! I hope you've enjoyed the story!*

No one's P.O.V. :

Ministry vs. Malfoy Industry ended up being one of the most upsetting cases in history, many people unable to believe that their beloved minister would do such a thing. Yet as promised Hermione nailed the jury with fact after fact, making sure that the Minister and Tabitha had no chance of coming out of that room unscathed. They were both immediately fired and sentenced a 15 years in prison each. Hermione was later offered the position of Minister and after much discussion with Draco, she accepted. Hermione and Draco got engaged a couple of months later in March and married a year later. Ginny, after getting that candlelight dinner as promised, soon married Blaise the following May. Hermione and Draco had two children: Scorpius and Felicity. Ginny and Blaise had three children: Kaden, Leslie, and Jacob.



Thank you guys so much for being patient on this journey with me.

There will NOT be a sequel. I feel like this is a good enough ending as it is and I feel like a sequel wouldn't be very good.

I enjoyed every comment you all have made ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Please do me a favor and click that star ⭐️ at the bottom of the page and recommend this story! It would really mean a lot to me ❤️❤️

Love you guys! Stay groovy

           - Emma

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