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St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries was usually quite quiet during the early morning hours. Being almost one o'clock in the morning, a majority of people would be tucked into bed asleep, save for the night shifters or partygoers. Although being a hospital there would occasionally be emergencies during those hours, today, though, the nurses were glad for the unusually quiet morning.

"Help! Please, someone, help me!" One of the nurses was on their way to the main lobby, ready to leave after her shift. At the shouting, she abandoned her bag and bolted down the corridor, arriving at the lobby at the same time her supervisor had.

"Go get some doctors, quick!" She shouted at her. "Tell them to hurry!"

As she left, she saw two bodies, maybe women, lying still on the floor, another nurse by their sides.

She ran as fast as her legs would carry her, the main office in the middle of the floor coming into view. She ran inside, almost knocking into one of the doctors who was heading out for the end of their shift, as well. The man noticed her panicked and exhausted state, becoming alert at once.

"Emergency!" She panted, "In the lobby!"

He then bolted in that direction, two more doctors hot on his tail.


Ginny's P.O.V. :

I felt myself slowly waking as if weights were slowly being lifted off of me. As I started to become more aware of my surroundings, though, I started feeling the pain as well.

"Ughhhhh," I groaned, sharp knives stabbed into my skull. My eyes fluttered open, black dots blinding my vision. What I did notice, however, were the brown eyes hovering directly above me, whispering something under their breath.

Where have I seen those eyes?

My vision starts blurring again, my consciousness slowly slipping.

"Herr..Hermihone...Hermione," I spoke, loudly at first then ending in a whisper. I willed myself to stay awake and stare into those brown eyes, feeling that if I let my eyes close, they might not open again.

The man was staring intently at me as he casts a spell, the numbing the pain in my head slowly trickling away like water running down a faucet.

"Hold on, just for a little while longer." He muttered a few more spells and my eyes begin closing on their own accord, unable to stay open longer. The last thing I remembered was the image of those soft, warm brown eyes that bore into my memories with such intelligence.

"Hold on......."


Hermione's P.O.V. :

I wake up to annoying, bright white lights shining in my eyes. I turn my head around and look around the room.


I must be in a hospital, I thought.

I strain my head to the right with slight difficulty, spotting a mop of red hair in the bed about six feet away from me. She seems to be arguing with a lady in scrubs who I assume is a nurse.

"Ginny," I croak, realizing how much it hurt to talk.

I need water.

Now that I think about it, my entire body hurts.

The nurse made her way over to me. "How are you feeling Miss Granger?" She asked sweetly, helping me gulp down a cup of water.

"I hurt all over. What happened?" I asked.

The nurse was about to answer but was interrupted by Ginny. "Apparently we were hit by a car. Well, I wasn't, but you were. I was just telling this nurse here that I'm perfectly fine and should be home right now gathering my things, but this stubborn git won't let me go!" Ginny said, her face livid.

"She even went as far as to strap me down!" I looked at Ginny and sure enough, her hands and legs were strapped to the bed. Not enough to injure but snug enough where she couldn't slip out. "I don't even need to be in bed, I am perfectly fin--."

Just then a doctor walked in. He had darker skin and imaginative brown eyes, trailed by another person I couldn't quite see. "Wrong you are Red."

Her mouth dropped slightly in shock.

"Zabini!" She shouted.

I gasped in surprise as the person behind him came into view, my sore throat causing me to cough. Splatters of red appeared on my hospital gown and he was suddenly there, lowering me back down on my back. I was still coughing as he started to pull his wand out and say healing spells. Immediately, my throat glazed over and the taste of blood left my mouth. I held perfectly still as he performed some more spells.

"Are you alright Granger?" Malfoy asked with a hint of concern.

"I'm fine, perfectly fine. I just wasn't expecting either of you to walk through the door, that's all," I replied, attempting to make my voice stronger. He sat down in the open chair beside me as Ginny began talking to Blaise.

"Can you untie me, please? If I'm going to be here I might as well be comfortable, right?" He looked at her meticulously, debating whether he should or not.

"Please," she begged, giving him a sad look, me being her friend could tell that it was completely fake. His eyes softened slightly, falling right into her trap.

What are you up to?

Malfoy snorted,  seeing it too and making fun of how soft Blaise is. As Blaise started undoing the straps that were holding her down, all of the memories of last night crashed into me.


Ginny's P.O.V. :
     After Hermione stopped coughing, a plan formed in my head. "Can you untie me, please. If I'm going to be here I might as well be comfortable, right?" I told to Zabini. He looked unsure.

"Please," I said giving him the saddest look I could manage. He sighed lightly before beginning to untie the straps on my legs and arms. He reached across me to untie my left arm. I quickly reached my right hand in the outside pocket of his doctor's coat swiftly and stuffed his wand underneath my leg unnoticed.


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