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Hermione's P.O.V. :

"Ginny, what's wrong?" I asked, curious as to what could make her so mad. 

She threw the paper into my face, laying back against the bed before covering her face with her hands.

Daily Prophet

Trouble in paradise for the 'Fantastic Four'?

Hermione Granger, the famous war heroine, and Ginny Weasely, the firecracker of the fantastic group of four, as of last night, were both dumped by their boyfriends, Harry Potter and Ron Weasley. A direct quote from someone nearby in the club stated, "At first it seemed fine, all four of them sitting at a table together in the corner, but then they split off into couples. Only a couple of minutes later, the woman left the club angry. I happened to overhear Ron Weasley breaking up with Hermione Granger and my friend heard the same when they were at the bar by Ginny and Harry."  This all apparently happened last night, at a new wizards/witches club. What were their motives for this? What caused the end of these relationships? Have Ron Weasley and Harry Potter have their eyes set on more beautiful and worthy candidates? And was it the women's lack of femininity care for their appearance that drove these men away? See the theories and answers on pages 7-12 and an interview with Pansy Parkinson about why their relationships were never going to last anyway. 

I'm Rita Skeeters, Daily Prophet News.

"I can't believe those pig-faced people who can't mind their own business!"

"Hermione, it's only been a couple of hours, how did they find out?"

"I ought to march right down to the Daily Prophet and give Rita Skeeters a piece of my mind!"

"Lets go then," she reasoned, getting out of the bed shakily before standing up.

"Yeah right," I said, "They're not just going to let us out of here, plus we don't even have our wands..." 

I trail off as Ginny pulls a wand out and holds it up in the air triumphantly. "How did you..."

"Blai-Zabini was too distracted to notice me snatch his wand, but we need to hurry because he could seriously figure out that his wand is missing and then we're screwed." She made her way over to my bed slowly, grabbing the rails when she finally made it over. She handed me the wand.

"Wait," Ginny exclaimed, "burn the paper for me real quick." She put the paper on the floor while I put advanced charms on the door so no one would come in.

"Granger!" We hear Malfoy's voice, "Open this door!"

"Just a minute," I yelled back, Ginny laughing at my response. I focused on the task at hand. Pointing the wand I said quietly, "Incendio."

The door bursts open, Zabini and Malfoy rush in, only to see the remains of the paper. Malfoy comes over to me and grabs the wand out of my hands. "Weaslette, what were you thinking, taking another Healer's wand. What did you burn anyway?" he asked as they sat on the seats in the corner of the room, the question mainly aimed at me. He handed the wand back to Blaise who looked mildly irritated, but not mad. Thank the lord.

"How did you get that door unlocked?" I questioned, ignoring his previous question. He gave me a lazy grin that was quite sexy if I do say so myself. 

WHAT!? Hermione what are you thinking! Sexy?! Get a grip, I mentally chastised.

"I did get straight O's on my exams just like you did Granger. But I never could score high enough to beat you though," he said to me with a small smile on his face. 

I fiddled with my thumbs, "Was that a compliment Malfoy?"

"I don't know what you are talking about, but I would like you to answer my question please."

"What question?" He chuckled slowly and replied, "Have you ever heard of stalling Granger? Yeah, well you're not very good at it." The annoyance flitted onto mine and Ginny's faces as we prepared to tell the story about what happened last night and the paper. When we were done explaining, the young men both had frowns plastered on their faces.

"Rita Skeeters has nothing to say but rubbish," Blaise stated.

"When are we able to be released?" Ginny asked, Blaise grabbing onto her arm to help her over to her bed. I smiled slightly at the light blush on her cheeks.

"In a couple of hours, but I can get some nurses to bring up some breakfast?" Malfoy suggested. 

A couple of hours of rest later, we were finally released. We left downstairs to grab our wands and belongings from the hospital vault and turned around saying goodbye to the boys. "I had a fun time talking with you both," Ginny stated, putting her wand in her purse.

"The pleasure was ours," replied Blaise as he grabbed Ginny's hand and kissed the back of it. She blushed a small shade of red.

I smiled at the interaction. Hmmm, maybe this will be good for her.

Malfoy looked down quickly and looked up through the hair that fell down his forehead to look me in the eyes. 

Oh that hair, a small voice in my head said to me. Ugh, get a grip, Hermione. 

"I think this is the beginning of two new friendships," I said, mainly directing it towards Dra-Malfoy. 

Malfoy, not Draco. 

As soon as I said that, a glint of happiness shone through his eyes, and we all couldn't help the small smiles that curved their way onto our faces.

"Goodbye Hermione," said a quiet voice from behind us. But I turned around and they had already gone, leaving me to wonder if I actually heard it or not.

*Hey Guys! So what do you think is going to happen next? 

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Love you guys! Stay Groovy! Bye!*

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