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Draco's P.O.V. :

After magically cleaning the kitchen, I went into the living room to watch a movie on the, what's the muggle word, Ah telly. 

As I was flipping through the channels some muggle movie came on about a beautiful bookworm falling in love with a 'heartless' beast. 

This bookworm would probably get along very well with Herm- Granger, I thought to myself.

I hear the door open and quickly wipe away the tear that escaped from when the beast died. If Blaise saw me like this over a movie, I would never hear the end of it. Once I think I look normal again, I turn around to see Blaise grinning like an idiot while looking at the door. 

Amused, I speak up. "What's got you staring at the door like that?"

"Our neighbors just invited us over for dinner?"

"And you're happy? Why?" I asked oblivious to who the people were living next door.

"Our neighbors happen to be some very pretty ladies who happen to be single, might I add," he told me as he came and sat on the loveseat across from me.

"You're kidding," I replied as I leaned forward, intrigued. "Well, what made you so happy? I thought you only had eyes for Ginny Weasley?" I teased. 

He shrugged his shoulders, smiling as if he knew something that I didn't.

"Blaise, you've liked Ginny since the fifth year. Now that she's single, make a move already."

"I will when you make a move on Granger," he replied smartly, a smug look on his face. I panicked standing up in defense.

"Why would I make a move on Granger?"
I sat back down on the couch, trying to act natural. 

He laughs, "Well, for starters, she has these beautiful green eyes-"

"Wrong! Her eyes are a murky, chocolate brown."

Blaise gave me a pointed look, raising his eyebrows, then it finally hit me.

"I got you on that one, mate," he replied with a rather smug look. I groaned, putting my head in my hands.

"How long have you known?" 

"Since the sixth year," he told me.

"You can't tell anyone, and if you did I would kill you," I threatened. He raised his hands in surrender before laughing.

"Don't worry mate, we're best friends. And best friends keep each other's secrets. Now we have about fifteen minutes till time to head over there, so go get ready. Remember casual, not overly fancy," he told me but looked like he was trying to convince himself as well.


Hermione's P.O.V. :

I was just putting the dessert in the oven when Ginny came bouncing into the kitchen with a huge grin on her face. Before I could ask, she started talking.

"I hope you don't mind but I invited our new neighbors over for dinner."

"Ginny! Why didn't you tell me this! Now I only have- How many minutes?" I asked running around my room trying to look presentable.

"Ten minutes," she informed me. 

I gasped slightly to myself and began running around my room quicker.

"I'm sorry Hermione, poor planning on my part. Are we going to have enough food?"

Where are those boots? 

I thought as I dug around my closet, sorting through the shoes that I magically unpacked only hours before.

"Yes, I always make extra for leftovers so I think we will have just a little leftover." 

I came out of my room in a flowery casual blouse with blue skinny jeans and black boots that went almost to my knees. Ginny came out in a similar outfit. A navy and white chevron blouse with black skinny jeans and black boots. 

I went into the kitchen to finish fixing the food since we still had five minutes, while Ginny went and set the table. I flicked my wand at the record player in the living room, Laendler, from The Sound of Music, began to play.

I hummed and spun around the kitchen to the song, reminiscing on how my mother loved the movie so much that she insisted we learned the dance together.

A small tear seeped out of the corner of my eye while I fluttered around the kitchen. When I finished dancing around to the song when the music turned off and a slow clap sounded in the room.

"I didn't know you could dance Granger. That was actually really good." I quickly wiped my tear away and turned around to see Malfoy seated casually at the table. Concern flashed on his face and he stood up and walked towards me. I quickly turned back to what I was doing.

"Granger," he growled, slightly irritated at me ignoring him.

"Yes," I replied my sadness and tears put to the back of my mind for later. I turned around surprised to find him within a foot in front of me. When our eyes met, his softened.

"Why are you crying?" his gentle voice asked.

"I'm not." He gave me an unconvinced look. "I just teared up a bit because the song was so beautiful."

He looked unconvinced. 

"It's a beautiful song," I stated more conviction in my tone.

"Okay," he replied, satisfied enough. He helped me set food on the table.

"So....I'm guessing you and Blaise are our neighbors?"


I started laughing. 

"Is that how you pronounce it?"

I nodded, "I just never thought that Draco Malfoy, would ever use a muggle expressing."

He faked a gasp, "I'll have you know that I know plenty of muggle things. For example, those things that Disney makes, uh, the films?" I nodded, slightly impressed.

"Have you seen any of the movies?" I asked as we both sat down at the table, knowing I would stump him on this.

"Oh yes. Beauty and the Beast is by far my favorite. The fact that someone could fall in love with a Beast means that anyone has hope at finding love." A troubled expression, filled in his eyes near the end of his sentence and he looked down a little. 

"That's also my favorite movie, but for a completely different reason. It reminds me that your life can change in an instant, just like how one day she was free and the next she was trapped." 

I noticed his troubled expression again. I then grabbed his hands in mine, grabbing his attention enough to look at me.

"We both have our own struggles, but we can't give up. Never give up! The way I see it is that if you want to see a rainbow you have to put up with the rain. And right now we're both dealing with the crappy rainy days that are hitting us," he looked away, embarrassed at his vulnerability. 

"Don't be embarrassed about being vulnerable. It takes real courage to show your feelings Malfoy, especially for males because they are so stubborn." We both smiled.

"My friends call me Draco," he looked up at me with a small smile on his face.

I smiled back what I hoped was a caring smile, "Well, in that case, call me Hermione."

*Hey Guys! Anyway.....feel free to ask questions. Thanks for reading! 

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Love you guys! Stay groovy!*

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