10. Challenge between ASR and KKG

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Khushi Pov

Controlling my sobs i determined to put an end to it. I can't bear any of his advantages hereafter. He should know his limits. Yes, he should know the restrictions and limitations of being khushi husband.

It's my fault of marrying him without consulting my terms and conditions to withstand this marriage. Better than never late. I'll clear it today with him.

He should not expect wifey duties from me, be in room or outside. We're complete strangers living under one roof. He should not interfere in my space and I'll never poke my nose into his matters. He need to keep distance from me. I'll not accompany any of his official work related parties which promotes his public status. My identity should be hidden from media. I think it's enough for now...I mentally took notes of what should be the terms and conditions before storming downstairs to my room.

Plastering a smile before my parents whose eagle eyes capturing my messy state as my eyes feel heavy so probably it looks puffy, i marched to my room only to stop abruptly hearing his voice.

"Contact our lawyer and apply divorce for Arnav singh raizada and Khushi kumari gupta"

What the hell?

Refusing to obey my brain orders eyes shed tears. While wiping tears accidentally i hit the vase placed in side table which crashed down in blink of eye.

Without wasting time i closed the door, what if my family hear this? They will be broken "What are you saying arnav? How can you decide everything on your own? You're not a bachelor to do things according to your wish, as a wife whatever you do me and my family are somewhat linked" i breathed out controlling my anxiety.

"Oh wow...the highness Miss oops Mrs. Khushi kumari gupta knows she's married" he clapped his hands mockingly.

If I was scared back then it was wrong, i flabbergasted seeing new glint in his eyes which i couldn't understand what it was! But it was not care nor love my lips whispered in uncertainty "Arnav..."

He stopped clapping while his legs taking measured steps towards me "Congratulations Khushi...You achieved what you're trying from past two days...infact quite earlier" he said thinning his lips.

I seriously couldn't understand what he's implying. He spoke something like divorce. Tired of guessing in few seconds i asked him the same "What?"

"That, this marriage and me are nothing but a thorn in your life" He said with such intensity that i jumped seeing his hard face.

"But..." I stuttered not knowing what to say. I should be happy seems like before i can explain my terms and conditions he himself understood that. Then why i am feeling scared and nervous.

"But I'll never leave you Mrs. Arnav singh raizada. Arnav singh raizada never fails" he said with stern face.

I could only get confused with his statements. Earlier he ordered someone to file our divorce but now he's saying something else. What does he want? Why he's playing with me?

I dared to ask my doubt before his cold face "Then what about your call..I mean divorce.."

"That's none of your concern Mrs. Raizada" he tried to dodge with a simple answer. But before that, i was more concerned about his last word which he give stretch.

I gritted my teeth in annoyance "Don't... don't call me Mrs. Raizada"

"You're Mrs. Raizada and I'll call you by that only. None can stop me not even you" he said determinedly.

Curling my fingers into a fist "Don't play with fire arnav and i am glad you found about the unwanted thorn in my life" i smirked seeing him disoriented which lasts only for a minute.

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