47. Bonding with feathers

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Khushi pov

I was shocked for a minute seeing him agreeing to Mom without much pressure from her. A strange sadness engulfed me rubbing away the enthusiasm. Losing the interest to join their banter I silently walked towards kitchen to see the breakfast preparations.

"Khus..hi... I " I glanced back hearing his voice. Standing behind me, he fumbled with words.

Drained out by unknown reason, I couldn't come forward to reply to him even though a part of mine wish to reply him.

"Arnav you're here. Your daddy is calling you, he want to share some important matter with you" Maa entered there and surprised to see Arnav presence.

He sighed and throws a last glance at me before going out probably to meet dad.

"Khushi beta, don't strain yourself. Take rest you seemed tired" Maa said in concern caressing my cheeks.

"No maa I am perfectly alright. Moreover I want to cook breakfast for you all" I assured her and wondered
about my willing participation for cooking for whole family. Am I trying to impress them? I don't know. I just want to do something for them. In my stay at RM they never said a word against me even though I didn't behaved like a daughter in-law.

Accepting them and loving them wholeheartedly comes under accepting Arnav, isn't it? Arnav also did the same with my family. He considered my family as his. I heard the promise he given to my papa the other day. He promised to settle my sister's life starting from their jobs to marriage. As binded by society norms papa didn't accept it though, but I know Arnav will keep up his promise and he'll convince papa too. It's not that hard like my case.

"It's not needed Khushi beta. Today no works for you too. You and Arnav should enjoy this day, ok. Why am I here? I'll cook all your favourites. It's long time we all shared time together and dine together"

Now I realise from where Arnav inherited softness, care, affection and love. Everyone in this family show immense care and support to me. Never did they let me feel outsider, while I treated Arnav as a stranger in earlier days.

How stupid of me to feel bad on arnav? How can he deny maa's sweet request? Wouldn't I do the same if I was in his shoes? Yes, I do. I cannot upset my family at any cost. If I explain to him he'll understand me. Maybe he also thought the same. Being half of his soul, I should not only accept him and his decisions but also his loved ones who nurtured him from the time of his birth. It's totally absurd if I wish to spare them from entering our life. They're part of his life that means our life. He'll not be here if not for them. He'll not be a loving, caring person if not for his parents. He'll not be a respecting, understanding soul if not for their nurturing. Parents and family are the backbone of any person. Just because he denied me and accepted when maa asked him doesn't prove his love for me is less. There was always a thin line between love for their parents and love for their partner. I should not compare the both. They must be missed him and who knows how much he missed being with his family. Off... When did I started analysing so much with maturity. Seems like I was going back the old Khushi opening my eyes and brain at last after almost sucking Arnav life in process. Anyways I wanted him to stay at home and celebrate here. It's happening why cries now!

Finally, a smile adorned my face as the self realisation erased the uneasiness and unknown sadness.

"I'll help you maa" I turned to her who looked at me with dreamy smile.

I fiddled in my place nervously. She palmed my cheeks "I am so happy to see you both content and happy beta. At earlier days I was scared at your aloofness, and afraid more when Arnav explained his need to stay alone with you here. Me and your dad has no heart to send you both here when we find out the disinterest and aloofness in your relationship. But today seeing your faces, I can study how happy you both are. We don't want anything than your happiness. Stay always like this"

I was overwhelmed when she kissed my forehead with love. Who will get this type of mother-in-law? I was lucky indeed.

"Maa.. I'll be back after bath.." I said sheepishly and she nodded with a smile.

Walking towards the direction of our room, I mentally patted myself for coming up with the idea and implemented by shifting Arnav things to my room. Now it was Our room.

If family comes to know, we live in separate rooms they would be worried to hell.

I sensed someone presence as soon as I stepped my foot on the room. And it did not take time to found whom, when a breath hit against my skin.

"Khushi.. I.. am.."

I moved forward ignoring him, I should not do this but the naughty part in me enjoying his buttering. He is following me with his puppy guilty face. I soo want to pinch his cheeks.

Opening the wardrobe I took my clothes and beamed inwardly seeing his clothes arranged neatly beside by dresses. I felt his breath against my earlobe now, he's bending slightly looking over my shoulder to wardrobe.

"It's looking perfect, isn't it?" Whispered he.

I didn't replied. Taking my clothes I walked towards washroom. I didn't expected him to follow me there too. Did he realise where are we now? God!

I glanced at him with horrified expression, still he didn't realise.

"Khushi.. Hear me ok.." He started, stretching his arm.

"Arnav go out.."

"But khushi... I..."

"What Khushi? Don't tell me you're planning to stay here and stare at..." I stopped my sentence midway and cupped my mouth in shock. What the heck, am I going to spill?

He roamed his eyes which soon turned into wide open realising the place. Expecting him to back away, I was scandalized when he closed the washroom door instead of going out.

"Arnavvvv.. why did you bolt.. the door?" I fumbled in nervousness.

Ignoring my question he walked forward and I found myself backing. For his each forward step I took a step back. After few seconds of back and forth game he cornered me against the wall.

I closed my eyes when he inched closer to my face and blew air against my forehead. Caught in shivering, I clutched my dress in tight fist.

"Are you angry with me?" He whispered expelling a deep breath.

My head moved horizontaly instead of vertical. Next moment, I arched forward hitting against his chest when his warm hands found my bare waist. Heart took its pace pounding against the fabric. My fist was opened automatically and come to rest on his shoulder blade when his fingers played up and down at my lower spine.

"Arnav.. Leave me.." I stuttered overcoming by shuddered form.

"No..." His husky voice was doing nothing but refraining me from keeping the anger.

"Arnav.." I wiggled in his arms.

"I am sorry. I don't have heart to deny on mom's face. And it's totally my fault to refuse you. I should not have  done that" I opened my eyes instantly and met with his guilty face.

He shouldn't done any sin to be feel guilty. Raising my palms to his cheek, I cupped his left cheek "It's ok. But don't think I'll let you free next time, if you dare to do something"

He nodded his head vigorously accepting. I give him a big full blown smile and pinched his cheeks like I wished earlier.

Throwing my arms around his neck I refrained him from kissing me. Everyone is outside and I don't want to extend our conversation to some other when I promised maa to help her.

Breaking the hug, I pushed him slightly "Ok now go out. I need to get ready soon"

He pouted taking few steps towards me. My eyes darted seeing something different on his eyes. Before I could stop him, he latched his lips against mine.

"Khushi, I want to tell you something" He whispered against my lips.


"I have to...." His sentence was cutoff my someone's call, seems like it's dad.



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