41. Kitchen adventures

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Arnav Pov

As soon as I entered our home after my hectic day with bad headache I heard sobs. SOBS!

I really wished and expected a lovely smile from my wifey dear and wished her to open the door that would've done magic to my headaches. Instead Maria opened the door and her gaze was hesitant.

Apart from her it's only Khushi in home and damn then, it's her sobs. Why is she crying?

The tiny little part covered under my chest raced in jet speed as unknown anxiety settled in. Taking hurried steps I reached where the sobs are coming from. It's from KITCHEN!

Why is she crying? That too in kitchen? Did she cut herself accidentally? Who asked her to go to kitchen? Who asked her to cook if she was doing the same? Zillion thoughts occupied my mind in a micro second. Entered the kitchen like a hurricane I stopped seeing the hurricane before me.

There she stood before the kitchen slab and looking down crying. For her each tear rolling down, I sensed a pang in my heart.

Reaching in two long strides ignoring the mess which was spoiling my shoes, I lifted her chin.

"Khushi" I heavily doubt that she can hear my calling as I couldn't even hear my voice.

She eyed me with her misted hazel eyes innocently.

"Arnav woh... See na this roti dough is doing panga with me" She complaint like a child whose chocolate was snatched away from her.

She can't be serious, can she? I shouldn't be laughing but the situation and her face was not helping me. The Khushi I know never cried for this simple issue and here she's crying buckets just for a dough. DOUGH!

"Khushi leave that. Go clean your face and dress. You're mess. Maria clean the kitchen" Convincing her I ordered Maria to clean it and pulled Khushi out of the place. But she stood unmoved.

"Khushi come. Maria will do whatever you wish" I repeated my earlier statement.

"She cannot do what I want" She replied stubbornly reverting back to her form from crying baby.

"Don't be stubborn. Let her do her job and you come with me" I pulled her gently and the result seems same as before. She snatched her palm from my hold and folded under her chest darting her eyes to the dough, oh.. yeah it's not to be called as dough. It's a batter which I noticed now.

"I want to do roti. But.. but... this dough" She said in a tired voice as I opened my mouth to convince her.

I cupped her shoulders tenderly "It's ok. Come. You can try some other time"

"No. I want to do it now"

"But Khushi what is the hurry? Anything special today?" I asked confused by her stubbornness.

"I want to do it for you. Do I need anything special than this?"

Heaven! Did I land at heaven straightly without dying. How's it possible? Damn this girl. Even when she was apart from me, she made me breathless and now by saying these words she's making me breathless. Did she even know what is she saying? And What her actions doing to me and to my poor heart? Yesterday after denying straight on my face, she shared her bed with me. And today also no less, this girl has some charm which captivates me always. She indirectly proposed me today and now this. She'll death of me one day. No no.. If I die then how'll I enjoy her presence. You're gone officially stupid Raizada.

"Khushi... It's ok... Your thought of doing something for me itself enough for me. You don't need to..." She didn't let me complete my sentence by intervening.

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