54. Messy haldi

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Khushi Pov

"Arnav I think we should head back to Goa" I said with a thought.

"Why? I thought we're here for a week" He replied sipping his coffee.

"I've few works there"

He furrowed his brows "Which work?"

"I want to give closure to unfinished business" I replied fidgeting with my fingers which lay on his lap entwined with his.

He didn't convinced and raised the same "Tell me clearly Khushi"

I heaved a sigh lowering my eyes down "Still there is one thing which wasn't cleared in our life till now"

"Don't give riddles Khushi. I was so eager to complete this day and here you're extending it by your puzzled talks" His voice clearly indicated his irritation. I was aware of his desperateness to complete the next ritual haldi. But this has not to be left in middle when we're way to starting our new life without any past demons.

"Siddharth..." My voice come out as whisper. He looked distracted and sighed heavily.

"Is it necessary now?" Asked he.

"Yes. I do not want any hidden secrets between us. I bet without transparency we're not going to lead our marriage successfully" I shared the matter of fact.

He shook his head dramatically "Sometimes I wonder, are you the same khushi I married? The same khushi who proudly declared that she'll not give space to me in her heart. The khushi who dwelled on her love forgetting her life"

"Why?" I asked astounded. Why he feels so?

"Don't tell me you haven't realised what all goals are you setting for our successful marriage" He said making faces. I hit his shoulder playfully.

"What! You're talking like an expert. Where did this brain gone when you made me wait for saying simple yes and to accept my love?" He asked in clear annoyance.

I twisted my lips "Are you praising me or taunting me?"

"Second option without no doubt" He dare to say that openly infront of me. My annoyance transformed into anger and it kept increasing manifold seeing him sitting there coolly having no guilt of saying those words.

"Stop irritating me Arnav" I said aloud not able to see his nonchalant behaviour.

"Wahh.. Then What does madam doing now?" He bit out the words harshly.

"Are you mean it? Am I the one who's irritating you? Stop it Arnav, I am stating the facts. You're making mountain out of molehill" I throw my hands above in exasperation.

"Who's dragging the issue here, it's absolutely you? Don't start the blame game here" He said turning his face away from me.

I gritted my teeth in annoyance. What did I done that he's getting angry?

"I am asking you finally Arnav... Infact not asking I am ordering we're heading back" I declared sternly.

"In your dreams. I'll not head back nor will let you until we finish our unfinished rituals" Announcing this he got up from his place and sprinted inside before I could retort back.

Why is he overreacting now? I was going to follow him but stopped when my brain reasoned my actions.

You didn't do anything wrong. You just stated your opinions but he dragged it without no reason. When you're not in fault, there is no need for you to pacify him. Let him come on his own, he himself left without giving proper reasons.

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