Chapter 5- Told

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I sit on the bed, the collar digging into my neck. I start to try and pull it off but it won't budge. I sigh and flop down, feeling the tears coming to my eyes.

Why did this have to happen to me? Why me? I lay down and let the tear flow down my face. I feel myself going to sleep so I let the darkness over come me.

"Olivia! Wake up, darling." I slowly open my eyes to see Damien staring at me. I crawl away from him. He is staring at my neck and smiles. I should at least try to get some reason into him.

"Damien," He snaps his eyes up to my face and waits for me to continue. "I-I don't see the point in having this, it's uncomfortable and I don't l-like it. please Damien, can you take it off." I plead with him, feeling the tears coming back.

Damien keeps the same expression the whole time I have been talking, "no, come on. It's morning, breakfast is ready." He starts to walk to the door but I grab his arm. Making him look at me in surprise. "Please, Damien take it off, please." I try again, his face morphs into angry and he snatches his arm from my grip.

"Enough! You will wear it wether you like it or not! I can't having other men staring at what is mine! Do you hear me Olivia! YOU ARE MINE!" I shrink back from him yelling in my face. When he is finished he is taking deep breaths. He brings his hand to my cheek and I flinch back.

He sighs, seemingly calm now. He sits down on the bed and takes my hand, playing with my fingers. "Olivia, i'm sorry. It's just when we were out on the family dinner, I saw all the men with lust in their eyes, looking at you. Including my brothers. " his hand squeezes mine, he stands and pulls me up with him. I'm shaking from his angry and I'm sure he can tell.

He let's me go and runs his hand through his hair, "get dress, we will go eat breakfast somewhere. I'm sure the food downstairs is cold now." He walks out, closing the door gently.

I was walking down the stairs, ready to go, when I hear something crash downstairs. I quickly go and look to see three unknown men and Damien standing there looking pissed.

One of the men's eyes connect with mine and smirks, looking at my body, making me shift uncomfortable. I look to his left and see a vase broken on the floor. "Olivia." I look up to see Damien walk towards me looking worried which confuses me.

"What are you doing out here, come. You can wait in the kitchen until I'm done talking." He says quickly, glancing back at the men all watching us with smirks. I gulp and let Damien lead me to the kitchen. He pushes me into a seat and tells me to stay here. He then leaves and I'm stuck alone.

It's been about 20 minutes now and I'm getting curious. I creep to the door and listen to their conversation. "Don't you dare bring her into this Collen!" I hear Damien speak in a harsh whisper.

I hear some mumbles of someone and then a door slamming shut. I quickly get back to the seat I was at and stare out the window. I hear Damien come in but I don't pay attention to him.

I turn to look at him when I sense that he sat down, "Who was that? What were they doing here?" I asked, completely confused. He is playing with a peice of my hair, not really listening to what I'm saying. "Damien?" He sighs and turns forward, putting his head in his hands.

"It was no one, just some... old business that I thought I was done with." I was about to question him on this 'old buisiness' but he pulls me off my chair. "Let's go, we need to get going and don't have a lot of time." He says. Pulling me outside and playing me in the backseat, putting the seat belt on me.

I'm thinking about life when I suddenly realize that I don't have any of the things I brought with me. I remember Damien giving it to the guy up front. I look around the car, knowing I forgot it in here when Damien was dragging me inside.

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