Chapter 18- Glad

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I wake up to yelling, sitting up and looking around to see myself in a unfamiliar room. Remember all that occurred last night, I instantly get up. Creeping over to the door where all the yelling is coming from, I slowly open the door and cringe when it makes a loud squeak. Everything goes quiet while I stand motionless.

"Olivia? are you awake?" Calum comes into my view and I take a deep relieved breath. "Come on, you can meet my mom and dad over breakfast." he says, leading me to a table with a man reading a book and a kind looking lady. Calum sits me down in a chair across from the man, he looks at me and smiles. I smile back at him.

I look at Calum, wondering if his dad doesn't like me. "My Dad is deaf." He tells me simply. I nod and smile once again at his dad. Soon everyone sits down at the table and a dish is set in front of me full of food. I look up to see that its Calums mom.

"Thank you for letting me stay here. I know its a big deal having a stranger in your home." I say shyly, looking down at my lap. "Its all right, my little boo here told us everything." Mrs. Foster says while pinching Calums cheeks that are now full of food.

I giggle and Calum smirk at me or well tries to but food starts falling out of his mouth. "Calum! where are your manners." Mrs. Fosters fusses and smacks Calum on the back of his head. "Sorry mom." Calum mumbles.

I smile at the family, tears start to form in my eyes, thinking about mine. I quickly wipe them away and start eating. I stay silent while watching them do their own thing. Calum stuffing his mouth with as much food as possible. Mr. Foster reading the news paper while giving loving glances at Ms. Foster who is glaring at Calums table manners.

All too soon, Calum announces that we are leaving and makes me hurry to put on my shoes while he carelessly slips on his. He leads my into the bathroom and hands me a toothbrush so I start to quickly scrub my mouth clean.

Once we are both finished, Calum and I head out to his car. "Where are we going?" I ask him once we get in and he starts the car. He doesn't answer me instead just keeps driving while looking a bit nervous.

"Meeting my friends. I thought we could all hang out together." He says, glancing at me. Remembering his bad driving habits, I tighten my hold on the car door, not trusting him in the car. I see he is driving seemingly good.

I tune back to the conversation, "Okay, is it the same friends that I met at the restaurant?" I ask him. I really don't want to go if it is his friends that we are hanging out with. Calum shuffles in his seat and lets out a small chuckle.

"Well, yes but I talked to them and they said they will behave. Besides, you never got to meet Teddy." He says and smiles when he brings up Teddy's name. "He's the best, nice and warm." Calum tells me like he is in a dream.

I stare at him until we make eye contact and he seems to snap out of whatever he was in. Coughing, his voice goes an octave deeper, "I mean, he is cool. All of them are, Not just Teddy, Ryan and Arthur are really cool too. I would have to say Teddy is the coolest though." he rambles.

I laugh and nod at his flustered state. The rest of the ride is quiet but peaceful. I think back to my trashed apartment, I will have to buy everything again and it was finally all coming together. I don't think this was Damien's doing, If it was him, then he would already be dragging me back to his prison that he calls home. I cant think of anyone else that would do this.

"Lets go, they are already here" Calum says, breaking me out of my thoughts. I quickly scramble out of the car and walk next to Calum who is going over to the same group that I had the unfortunate pleasure of meeting already.

"Calum! You made it!" One of the boys says that I think is Ryan. He pulls Calum into a quick hug until he turns his eyes to me. I give him a tight smile while he just laughs and starts walking towards me, arms wide.

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