You Know Where To Find Me

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"I don't get it Kris, what do you mean you're not going to be playing with the Cubs to start this year" I ask into my phone. I hold it to my ear between my shoulder and head as I fiddle with the plastic grocery bags in my hands.

"It's a contract thing. It's not that they don't think I'm ready, but they get to keep me cheaper for longer if I play the first few games in Iowa then I'll finish with less than a year of service time in Chicago making it more cap friendly" he explains.

"That's stupid" I scoff.

"I know. But I was told I would be called up about 10 games into the season" he explains.

"Sometimes I hate baseball rules. You should be up here for opening day tomorrow" I sigh. He was my best friend after all.

"Awww you're too sweet" he jokes and I roll my eyes.

"All I'm saying is that team is a better one with you on it" I insist.

"Thanks man. I appreciate it."

"Of course. Well keep me updated, don't get hurt in Iowa" I say.

"I will do my best" he replies before hanging up.

I stuff my phone in my pocket and continue my walk around the city. I had just gotten back from spring training and we had our 2015 season opener at home against the Cardinals tomorrow. I haven't quite moved all the way back in and needed to pick up a few things for my apartment. So early this afternoon I went to target to grab some groceries and other stuff to put back in my apartment, make it feel a little bit more like home. So I picked up some decorations and candles and things to get me to through the season.

I take the familiar path back to my place and try my hardest not to drop all my bags I was carrying. I wasn't planning on getting this much stuff at Target... but who ever is?

I arrive back at my apartment and get all the things inside. I decorate for a little and get stuff put away before realizing I don't feel like making dinner, even if it was just a TV dinner.

So I go downstairs to the restaurant/bar in the apartment complex and sit at the bar. I lived in a condo/ hotel type of deal which comes with a place to eat and grab a drink and a little drug store attached that makes my life a little bit easier. There wasn't a person in sight down here but in their defense it was a Wednesday night and most people staying here is a athlete or having a affair with one and probably shouldn't be seen out in public.

I sit down at the bar and look around for a bar tender. The one that's usually here is huge and it's hard to miss him, so I wasn't sure where he was.

"How may I help you tonight?"

I turn around and my eyebrows raise up to the top of my forehead. Everything kind of goes into slow motion as a beautiful woman comes out from the back of the bar smiling down at me. My eyes nearly pop out of my head as I take in who just approached me.

The young lady comes over and gives me a nice smile showing off her perfect white teeth. She had red cheeks and this sparkle in her smile that can light up your world. She had these insanely blue eyes that I could just get lost in. It looked like every color of blue was in those things. Her long eyelashes reach her perfectly shaped eyebrows as she looks me up and down. She takes one of the many blonde waves that escaped her long pony tail and tucks it behind her ear. She had a tattoo on her wrist that showed every so often, I don't know what it is but I was curious to say the least. It's not very often I look at a girl and I'm at a loss for words, but I was basically a blank sheet of paper. And she was a pen about to come into my life and write our story.

Crazy In Love (Anthony Rizzo)Where stories live. Discover now