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Mallory spends nearly a week in the hospital before she's released. She's in the cast and on crutches for another month then will be put into another walking boot for a little while so she can heal, but she's going to be okay. She just had to be careful not to hit her head and not to walk on her leg. As for me I was allowed back into baseball related activities once my head healed and my shoulder was better, whichever one happened last. But until then I was recovering with Mallory inside the house. It wasn't so bad because I loved being home and I get to spend all my time with my girls but I knew that this was still going to be a tough road ahead of us.

I haven't talked publicly about the crash yet, haven't been anywhere near Wrigley to speak about it and I've only seen the guys from the team for a few moments in the hospital before they had to be somewhere. And I missed them and baseball and the fans like crazy, but I had a kid I needed to take care of and myself too. I was lucky I didn't get a brain contusion but my head still hurts like a bitch. And I got the stitches to prove it. There was plenty of news about the crash, as soon as it was out that it was me in that car we've gotten nothing but support and love from the fans. I did assure them that we were both going to be okay and I would be back with the team as soon as I could. But until then I was healing up with my big girl on the couch.

"What do you guys want for lunch" Melissa asks Mallory and I as we watch some old fashion AFV. Her leg was up and elevated and I was sitting next to her with my shoulder wrapped in ice as I try to get the swelling down. They got my shoulder reset but it was still going to take time for the ligaments to readjust.

"Mac and cheese" Mallory cheers.

"Again" Melissa questions.

"MAC AND CHEESE" Mallory yells making me laugh.

"Alright! Alright I'll get you your Mac and cheese. What about you? What do you want" she asks me.

"I'm good with Mac and cheese" I nod.

"Alright. Two bowls of Mac and cheese coming right up" she announced as she head into the kitchen.

She walks away and I turn to Mallory who was fixated on the tv. I get this wave of sadness that I was a reason for her pain and my heart starts to ache. She was being tough for me but I knew she was hurting. She didn't like to tell me but I can see it in her eyes. I've been better about being more open minded about the accident and understanding that it's not my fault. I did everything I could to avoid that car but it wasn't enough. And that's where I struggle, because I was a dad and I didn't do enough.

"Daddy, why are you crying" Mallory asks and I realize that she was now looking up at me.

"I'm just... sad" I sigh as I wipe away the tears.

"But why are you sad" she asks.

"Because I hurt you" I say.

"You didn't hurt me" she claims.

"I was driving that car so I kind of did" I try to explain.

"But you didn't hurt me. The other car did. You saved me because they didn't even know I was in the car until you told them" she claims and I stop.

"How did you know that" I whisper.

"Because I wasn't really asleep. I couldn't talk or open my eyes or move but I heard everything up until I went to sleep" she claims.

"I didn't know that was possible" I admit. I thought she was dead or at least unconscious. Turns out she was probably just in shock.

"I don't remember a lot from the crash. But I remember you telling the man that you have a daughter and you weren't going to leave without me. It made me happy, I hope it can make you happy too" she claims and I smile.

"I think it just did" I admit.

Melissa brings us our lunch and she puts chicken and other stuff in my Mac and cheese to make it more athlete friendly and it's times like this I'm extremely thankful she knows how to cook. Once she gets us everything we needed she sits down next to me and places her bowl of Mac and cheese on her stomach before eating off of it. It's funny how I thought that at this point of the pregnancy I'll be the one catering to her but it's the other way around.

"That's quite a talent you got there" I admit and she giggles. The bowl stays balanced on her pregnant tummy as she continues to eat from it.

"This pregnancy is a breeze compared to last time. Although little dude might be a soccer star" she shakes her head.

"Does it hurt" I wonder.

"Well it doesn't feel good. But the kick is my reminder that he is okay in there so bring it on little man" she says making me smile.

"You're so wonderful, I hope you know that" I insist.

"I'm starting to see it, thanks to you" she claims.

"So did you finish all your finals" I wonder and she nods her head assuredly.

"I did, and I think I did pretty good. I should get something in the mail soon about graduating and getting my degree. Unless I completely failed those classes I should be a licensed photographer in no time" she smiles.

"I am so proud of you" I say as I pull her into my side and kiss her forehead.

"What about me" Mallory asks and I smile.

"I'm proud of you too. Because you are such a wonderful little girl" I insist.

We chill out on the couch for a little before there's a knock at the door. I look to Melissa for answers but she just smiles at me.

"I'll get it" Mallory cheers.

"No, you stay on the couch. I'll get it" Melissa says.

"You're almost eight months pregnant, how is this much better" I ask.

"I like walking. It assures me that my legs still work" she smirks and I just laugh.

She gets the door and I hear a bunch of voices. In walks Dexter and his family and David and his along with some of the other guys. They were probably on their way to the game and stoped by to say hi. Naya goes straight over to Mallory and they show each other the dolls they had in their hands. Naya was about four years younger than Mallory but they were still pretty fun together. Once they crutch away my teammates join me on the other side of the couch right where the girls were.

"Have you been avoiding us" Dexter accuses.

"No" I say as Melissa crosses her arms over her chest. "Alright, yes. But I just needed some time to put my life into perspective, to forgive myself for getting Mallory hurt. But she told me exactly what I needed to hear today" I insist.

"So does that mean you'll be back soon? Because were kind of a mess without you" Kris claims and I laugh.

"Yeah. Once my head heals and I get my arm under control I'll be fine" I insist.

"Good. Because we miss you. You're kinda the heartbeat and the lockerroom has been entirely too quiet without you" David claims and I laugh.

"Don't worry. I'll be back running the music and jumping on tables in no time" I promise.

Crazy In Love (Anthony Rizzo)Where stories live. Discover now