Ch.4 A Visit

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Edited 10/2/2018
Fan art artist: Cuj

Adrien had never been more relieved in his life than when Plagg came back to him. He had hoped that something like that would've never happened again.

After the incident, Adrien had made sure to pack extra Camembert in his backpack. Considering how Plagg has disappeared last time, it was probably a wise idea. He could deal with the smell if it meant that Plagg was safe.

To his surprise utter and horror, Plagg was missing from his bag during lunch. Again! His kwami was so careless! Did the cat only think about his stomach??

He wasted his entire lunch searching for Plagg, but to no avail.

Adrien went back to class when the bell rang, but could not focus on the lesson. Again. He was worried for Plagg.

After class was dismissed, Adrien shot out of the room, searching the school top and bottom. But Plagg was still nowhere to be found. Eventually, he was forced to leave for a photo shoot.

When he got home, he lay on his bed, thinking of different scenarios of what Plagg could've gone through. What if Plagg was injured? What if an akuma came along? What if Plagg was found by someone? How di-

His thought was rudely interrupted by someone.

"Adrien quit sulking and give me some cheese. I'm starving!"

Adrien turned around and saw his black kwami floating there. "Plagg, Where have you been?! I was looking all over for you!" Adrien scolded him, but was extremely relieved that he was safe.

"I just went out to get a little snack. Don't worry, I didn't get lost this time," Plagg said.

"Plagg, would it be too much to ask you stay in my backpack?" Adrien asked.

"Sorry Adrien, but a kwami's gotta eat. Oh, and before I forget, Ladybug wanted me to remind you that you both have patrol at six," Plagg said.


"You talked to Ladybug again?" Adrien asked.

"Yep," was Plagg's simple answer.

Adrien couldn't believe it. Not only did Plagg know Ladybug's identity,  but he was talking to her. Adrien hated to admit it, but he was jealous of his kwami.

When six o'clock came, Adrien transformed and awaited for Ladybug. When she finally arrived, he wanted to question her about Plagg.

"Purrfect night today, isn't it, m'lady? I was a little shocked when Plagg reminded me to come to patrol," he said.

"Well, it was the easiest way to get a message through to you," Ladybug replied.

He supposed it was true. It was quicker than leaving a message for him to hear in his baton.

"So you talked to my kwami again?" he asked.

"I did. He's cute, you know? He's like a little kitten," Ladybug said.

Woah. Hold up. Did she just call Plagg cute? A kitten?

"Plagg? Are we sure we are talking about the same kwami?" He asked, shocked that Ladybug would think that about his cheese-loving kwami.

Ladybug laughed. Gosh, her laugh was a beautiful sound.

"C'mon Kitty, we have to patrol," Ladybug said.

"I'll see you soon," he said.

When they finished patrol, they met up at the Eiffel Tower. Ladybug sat down at the edge and looked at the view. She motioned him to come next to her, so he did.

Plagg meets MarinetteWhere stories live. Discover now