Ch.7 Operation Ladynoir

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Edited 05/07/2019

After Marinette had come home and detransformed, Marinette had found herself subconsciously smiling and humming to herself.

Tikki noticed it and made an observation. "Well, somebody looks happy," she noted

"Yeah. I had a fun time with Cat Noir."

"Your cheeks are red," Tikki pointed out.

"What?" Marinette cried. She ran to the mirror. Her cheeks were indeed blushing. Why was she blushing? Was it because she was never usually that close to Cat Noir? Did her thoughts go to Adrien at some point? Why was she blushing?!

"Do you think, maybe there's the smallest chance, that just maybe you have the smallest crush on Cat Noir?" Tikki asked, hoping that by some miracle, that Marinette would admit she had a crush on Cat Noir, who was her crush, and she didn't even know it.

"Pfft! No way I have a crush on Cat Noir, my heart is loyal to Adrien!" she said, scandalized.

And Tikki's little dream was crushed. Of course. Of course. Why did Tikki ever think this would be easy?

"Your body seems to be telling you otherwise," Tikki said, hoping to get through Marinette's stubborn heart.

"It's not possible! I must've been thinking of Adrien at some point," she said, though it seems she was trying to convince herself more than Tikki.

"Well, it seemed like you had a nice night anyway," Tikki said, dropping the subject for tonight. She wasn't going to get anywhere.

The next day, Alya was ranting to Marinette about a picture she caught on camera.

"Girl, look at this! I caught a picture of Cat Noir and ladybug dancing on the Eiffel Tower! My Ladyblog fans are going crazy!" She said, and she was practically squealing and bouncing up, and down.

"Currently, my fans are in a debate of whether or not Ladybug and Cat Noir are dating," she said.

Marinette almost tripped over herself from shock. "What?!"

"Well, during the dance, Ladybug seemed to get really close to Cat Noir, almost as if they did this on a normal day. It's all over the internet!" she exclaimed.

Marinette pulled out her phone. Alya was right. It was all over the internet. Article after article.


Ladybug and Cat Noir dating? Or something else?

Marinette was shocked. She was so shocked she hardly heard the school bell ring or the lesson. She didn't hear anything until she heard the lunch bell and went home for lunch.

Tikki was sitting in Marinette's purse waiting patiently for class to end when the top of the purse opened and Plagg flew in.

"Plagg, how nice to see you," Tikki said

"Hey Tikki," Plagg said and flew in. He was quiet for a few moments and then he spoke up.

"Tikki, I know we aren't supposed to interfere in any way with the reveal of their identities, but they're in a love square! All we would need to do is make them realize they love their alter egos! My kid needs this," Plagg said.

"I tried that last night. Marinette was in denial, I know she has feelings for Cat Noir deep down, but she's suppressing them for Adrien!" Tikki said.

"I think the same is happening for Adrien for Marinette, but he always says she's 'just a friend'. His love is so strong it rivals mine for Camembert," Plagg noted.

Plagg meets MarinetteNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ