Ch.18 The Confession

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Fan art artist: Edendaphne edendaphne  (she's on wattpad go check her out)

When marinette got back to school, she was so nervous she could barely sit still. She didn't know how she was going to do it, or if she may chicken out. She was so spaced out she didn't hear Alya calling her name.

"Marinette? Marinette! Marinette!" Alya called out.

"Huh? Wh-what?" Marinette asked.

"Wow, you are really out of it today huh?" Alya asked.

"Uh, y-yeah" Marinette said.

"So, do you want to hang out today?" Alya asked.

"Oh, that sounds fun! But, uh, I-I have to help my parents in the bakery," marinette said.

"Aw, that sucks, well, another time then?" Alya asked.

"Definitely," marinette smiled.

When marinette got home, tikki flew out.

"Tikki, I don't know how I'm going to do it. I don't know how I'm going to confess to him," marinette said.

"Oh marinette, you don't need do it in a dramatic or flashy way, just speak what your heart is telling you, and im sure you can't go wrong," tikki said.

Marinette smiled.

"Thanks tikki," She said.

"Anytime Marinette," she replied.

Later on that night, Ladybug was at the Eiffel Tower waiting for Cat Noir to show up to start patrol. Ladybug heard a light thud behind her and turned around to see Cat Noir.

"Hey Cat Noir," She said.

"Good evening ladybug," He said with a smile.

Ladybug had to turn away. She could feel a blush forming on her cheeks. Her body knew that she was going to confess to him later if he came to her house and was reacting... well the way she used to react around Adrien.

"So, did anything interesting happen today?" Cat Noir asked.

"Ah, uh, no, no-nothing interesting," Ladybug Said. This was not good. Not good at all.

"Uh, are you alright ladybug?" Cat Noir asked.

"Ah, Yeah, wh-why?" Ladybug asked.

"Well, you just seem a bit... nervous about something. Are you sure you are oka-"

"Let's just get to patrolling," Ladybug Said quickly.

"Uh, Okay," Cat Noir Said.

Why ladybug was patrolling, she was trying to calm her racing heartbeat. She was going crazy!

She took her time getting back to Eiffel Tower, but she couldn't seem to calm down her nerves. When she got back Cat Noir was waiting for her.

"You sure took your time tonight M'lady," He said teasingly.

"Yeah, sorry about that," Ladybug Said.

"Don't worry, we all have those days." Cat Noir Said.

"Yeah," Ladybug Said.

"Well, I better get going. See you tomorrow," Ladybug said and left before Cat Noir had a chance to say something again.

When marinette got home, she detransformed and started taking deep breaths. She really needed to calm down. Suddenly there was a knock on her window. She opened it and was greeted by the green eyes she had learned to love.

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