Ch.15 Sleepy Kitty

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A couple of days had past and Ladybug still avoided Cat noir as much as possible. No matter what Cat Noir tried to do to make her even look at him failed. Things were going so well between them, why was she shutting him out.

Adrien got home and detransformed after unsuccessfully trying to get ladybug's attention during patrol. He sighed, threw plagg some cheese and then sat on his bed defeated. Plagg noticed Adrien's down mood and tried to cheer him up.

"Hey kid, don't worry. She'll have to talk to you eventually." Plagg said.

"That may be true but I can't figure out what I did to get her to treat me like this," Adrien said, frustrated that he didn't know what made ladybug ignore him. What did her do wrong?

"Sleep on it kid, maybe it will come to you in a dream," plagg said.

Adrien got into bed and tried to fall asleep, but he couldn't. He was to wrapped up thinking about ladybug. When morning came he was exhausted, but he none the less got ready for school, dreading the coming day.

Marinette was feeling incredibly guilty. She had been avoiding cat noir for days. She just couldn't bear the thought that she almost compromised his identity, all because she wanted to see plagg. Tikki had noticed how ask this was hurting marinette and tried to offer advice.

"Marinette, this is hurting both you and cat noir. Just talk to him," Tikki said, trying to be encouraging.

"Oh Tikki, I wish I could," she said. Then made her way to school. When she got to school she saw Adrien and a small smile made its way to her face. They had been getting closer ever since the project that they worked on together. She tried to push cat noir out of her head and made her towards Adrien.

"Hey Adrien," she said.

When Adrien turned around, Marinette noted he looked exhausted.

"Adrien are you okay?" She asked.

"I just want to be left alone right now, I'll see you later Marinette," he said and walked away.

Marinette was shocked, confused and slightly hurt. What had happened to Adrien? Why was he shutting her out. Marinette sighed and walked towards Alya who had witnessed the whole thing.

"What just happened?" She asked.

"I'm not sure," Marinette replied. The rest of the day, Marinette complied with Adrien's wishes and left him alone for the rest of the day. But she wanted to know what caused him to be so unlike him. Marinette sighed and tried to focus on her work, but was now finding it near impossible.

At the end of the day when Marinette got home, she was filled so many different emotions. Guilt for avoiding cat noir, shocked and confused with Adrien's actions and confused on what to do next. She sighed. She needed to clear her head.

"Tikki spots on," she said.

After she transformed, ladybug went through the city just trying to collect her thoughts. She stopped near a park and looked at the children playing. There was a boy and a girl playing as ladybug and cat noir. She smiled. Then her eyes drifted to a certain boy she saw walk through the park and then sit down in the shade of a tree. It was Adrien. Ladybug decided to go closer, he seemed really upset. Ladybug swung her yoyo and landed in the tree. Adrien was so lost in thought he didn't even notice her.

"So, what's got the famous Adrien Agreste down?" Ladybug asked.

Adrien who was startled look up and saw ladybug sitting there on a branch.

"Oh Ladybug! What are you doing here?" He asked.

"Just wanted to come out and patrol the city. I needed some time to clear my head. What about you? Something seems to be bugging you," she said.

"Oh, it's nothing important," Adrien said with a smile.

"C'mon, I can keep a secret," ladybug said with a wink.

Adrien laughed a little, making ladybug's smile a little wider. She had gotten him to laugh at least.

"Well, it's this girl I like. She been avoiding me a lot lately and I don't know what I did wrong. Whenever I try to talk to her she completely avoids the situation, and I don't know what to do," Adrien said.

Ladybug felt her heart break a little. He likes a girl. There was someone he likes. Why did Marinette think she would ever have a chance? First she messes up with cat noir, now Adrien likes someone else? She had the worst luck.

"Well, I'm sure she will come around. Any girl would be foolish not to," she said.

Adrien smiled.

"Thanks ladybug," he said.

Ladybug went home feeling a little better. Shortly after she had detransformed she heard a knock on her window. She opened it and was greeted by piercing green eyes.

"Hello Kitty," Marinette said.

"Hello Marinette," he said with a smile.

Marinette ushered him inside. Then she quickly ran downstairs and grabbed some croissants and cookies. When she came back cat noir was sitting on her bed.

"Hungry?" She Asked.

"For your tasty treats? I'm always
Famished." He said taking a croissant and eating it.

Marinette giggled. As ladybug she had to deal with her actions but right now she was enjoying her time with cat noir.

After they had eaten Marinette noticed that cat noir was looking really sleepy.

"Hey Kitty, did you not get enough sleep last night?" Marinette asked.

"No, I was to busy think about ladybug. She seems to be avoiding me and I don't know why," he said, his ears drooping a bit. Marinette could see he was upset about ladybug, and it made her feel even more guilty, especially since it caused him to lose sleep.

"Well, there's an easy way to fix that," Marinette said.

"What do you mean?" Cat noir asked.

Marinette gestured towards her bed.

"C'mon Kitty. Just rest your head and close your eyes for five minutes" Marinette said.

"Oh, I couldn't-"

"Cat, I'll wake you up, just five minutes," marinette said.

Cat noir hesitantly laid down and closed his eyes. Within two minutes, he was fast asleep.

Marinette watched cat noir sleep and smiled. With the mask, she couldn't look at him because she was overwhelmed with guilt, but right now, everything thing felt perfect.

She stroked his hair gently and heard a slight rumble I his chest. He had begun purring! Marinette started to blush a little. She moved the hair away from his eyes and then left him to sleep in peace.

After an hour, Marinette decided it was time to wake him.

"Cat... Cat it's time to get up," she said gently.

Cat noir opened his eyes and looked confused.

"Where am I?" He asked.

"Your in my room. You took a little nap." She said.

"Oh, right," he said then got up and stretched.

"Thanks Mari, I really needed that." He said

"Anytime Kitty," she said.

"Well, I better get going. Bye Mari," he said.

"Bye cat noir," she said.

Marinette felt much better after cat noir left. It was nice being close to him again, even if it was just for a short while. Marinette went on her balcony and smiled as she saw cat noir leave. As ladybug their relationship may be strained, but as Marinette they were closer than ever.

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