||CHAPTER 26||

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The next few days were blurs. I didn't know what was real or not anymore.

I spend so much time on someone who didn't even care, I was an idiot. Why didn't I listen to everyone else? I could've saved myself from heartbreak.

Toni tried to talk to me, but I avoided her. Along with Jughead and all of the other Serpents.

Veronica and Kevin tried to talk to me about my locker, but I didn't even want to dive back into that.

I could tell Archie was worried about me, but I didn't want to talk about this with him.

Four days after Jughead broke things off with me, my Mom texted me after school and said that she or Dad couldn't pick me up from school today because she was busy.

Polly was out with some friends, so I texted Chic to see if he would pick me up.

But he was working late.

I sighed "I guess I'll walk home then."

The afternoon weather matched my soul. Cold.

I could tell it was going to start snowing soon, it was going to rain probably tomorrow or the next day and I knew it would stay cold.

I shivered. I should've brought a bigger jacket. 

"Betty?" I heard a voice say.

I whipped my head around, and I saw Cheryl.

She had on a fluffy red coat, that matched her hair. She didn't have that usual cold and hard stare on her face, instead, she looked concerned.

Cheryl walked to my side "are you walking home alone?"

I nodded. "You are too?"

"Well," she said "I was thinking of going to Pops. You can come with if you want some company."

I smiled a little "yeah, that would be nice."


Once were instead the warm diner called Pops, we both ordered milkshakes. 

I wasn't even drinking mine, I lost my appetite after I got my heart broken.

"Toni told me what happened," Cheryl said quietly "I'm so sorry Betty. That Serpent deserves to rot in hell for treating you like that."

"I'm not mad at Jughead," I told her "I'm mad...at myself."

Cheryl frowned "what do you mean, Betty?"

"I was an idiot," I said "I trusted him. God, why did I trust him?! Everyone was warning me, told me he was dangerous, and I didn't listen to them! I thought he was different, I thought he was the one. But I was wrong. I was dead wrong. But the sad thing is, I don't regret it. I felt free with Jughead, I fell in love. I gave him all of me; my secrets, my flaws, my virginity. But it was all for nothing."

It was silent, and I wiped the tears that were about to fall from my eyes. I cried so much over this, I had assumed that I was done.

"I know this situation sucks," Cheryl told me "but you can learn from it, right?"

I nodded. She was right, and I wasn't going to make this mistake again.

Because heartbreak hurts. Literally.

"But Betty, I'm here for you" she continued "if you want me, that is."

"Thank you, Cheryl," I told her "and I do want you."

She took a sip of her milkshake, and there was a question burning in the back of my throat.

"Cheryl, why are you being so nice?" I asked "no offense but you're not usually the shoulder to cry on for most people."

"None taken," Cheryl replied "I know I'm not nice. Hell, I can be a bitch. But after JJ died, it opened my eyes up. That's why I'm hanging out with Toni now, I apologized to her and we became friends. I'm trying to be a better person since I didn't do a good job of that when JJ was alive. But I actually do care, like right now. I think you don't deserve to go through any of this, Betty. You're a good person, and you deserve someone who's going to love you and not take it for granted."

"Well I think you're doing a great job," I told her "will you walk me home?"

Cheryl smiled "of course."


"I probably shouldn't linger for long" Cheryl said, as we walked to my house "your family isn't exactly fond of mine."

"True," I said "but I doubt any of them are home, anyway. They're all busy right now."

Cheryl nodded, and we continued walking. Only in silence.

The wind blew, and though the breeze still felt refreshing, I still shivered.

"Well, this is my stop," I said, once we came in front of my house.

"Take care Betty," Cheryl told me "and I'll see you at school."

"You too" I replied, smiling a little.

I walked toward the front door, and just as I was about to get my key out I heard footsteps behind me.

I turned around. No one was there.

"Hello?" I called out "Cheryl?"

Then I felt a hand over my mouth, and another hand holding my waist.

I screamed, and then a bag went over my head.

I felt someone throw me over their shoulder, and I screamed and screamed.

"Betty!" I heard Cheryl's voice scream but the person holding me on my shoulder was running.

I kicked and screamed, but then I was put down.

I felt a hand press down on my neck as I screamed, and then the world went black.

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