Rose hunt

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Amelia opened her front door to hundreds of roses and knew. She knew they were from him; he had found her. 

She put on a happy smile and exclaimed loud enough she was sure he could hear whether he was hiding or recording it, "Omg! I had no clue Alphonse would do something so romantic! I have to call him to thank him."

She quickly started taking the bundles of roses into her house, while inconspicuously picking up items from certain areas in her house into her purse. She pulled out her phone with an adoring smile and hid the slight satisfaction of making him jealous and angry. She pretended to call Alphonse when she really called her closest colleague at work with a secure line.

"Amy, code slenderman. I'm sorry but please read the letter and explain it to the boss please. Also you won't be able to ever contact me again, goodbye."

Amelia hopped into her ford truck and took of on her usual route to work. In the middle of traffic she quickly grabbed her secret stash of clothes and resources from under her passenger seat and after pulling over at the side of the long tunnel she entered one of the doors there. She felt a pang of guilt at having to abandon her life here and for possibly getting Alphonse in a whole lot of trouble with Him. But she knew the best way to distract Him was for Him to go on a man hunt for the guy who supposedly would be flirting with her when she was His possession. But she wasn't His; and she would do anything to keep it that way.

"Hello, how can I help you?" asked the lady at the counter.

"Hi, I'm looking to have a slight cut with a color change" answered Amelia.

The hairstylist took her over to a chair and in a total of an hour and a half, she had newly dyed auburn hair and a long bob cut with bangs.

"Cash or credit card?"

"Cash." Amelia wanted to leave as little trace of herself as she could and that was why she chose this old shop without proper surveillance cameras. She quickly threw on a jean jacket she always had in her bag just for this reason and grabbed a scissor from her bag and ripped up her black jeans. Next, she grabbed the adjustable heels from her bag and clipped them on so it she was in heeled boots now. She was careful to exit the shop with her head down and out of view of cameras so they only saw her hair.

She walked a few blocks and found the bar she was looking for and entered it even though they weren't currently open yet.

"We're still closed miss" said the bartender behind the bar who was polishing glasses with a pink cloth. Amelia took off her sunglasses and approached the bar.

"I'm sorry Enzo, but code slenderman is in effect" she replied calmly.

Enzo after recognizing Amelia, looked shocked and saddened at her news, but quickly reached for something under the bar.

"This will keep you safe in more ways than one" the slight black man said cryptically and with a slight bitterness in his voice.

Amelia smiled a bit and took the bottle from him and gave him a twenty in return.

"Are you sure you need to do this?" he said.

Amelia looked him in the eye and said with a certain edge in her tone, "I do."


Amelia was currently in a nicely used Range Rover in a black color, with super comfy leather seats. She had happened upon it at the used car lot she had visited at the edge of town and paid for it in full with cash just to have the sweet ride. She might be on the run, but she could have a cool looking car while doing it. She turned on the radio and squealed when Maroon5 was playing.

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