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"Damn right I'm pretty."

"I said petty."

Alexis flipped his long purple hair and ignored his sister in favour of seeing the end of the fight in front of them. He was with his older sister Nicky at an underground cage match, and he was living for the thrill of doing something bad. They were the only children of the head on congress and living such a public life stifled Alexis' energy. He was never meant to be closeted, literally and figuratively, so here he was being free. 

"You know dad will go crazy when he sees your hair," Nicky murmured as she rested her head on her fist that was on her knee. She was only there to watch her brother who was an idiot at times and found the fight distasteful. The least they could do is allow some weapons in. She huffed and her breath barely skimmed her brown bangs from her long brown hair.

"I'll wear a wig like you do," he replied distracted by the fight.

"Whatever you say James."

"Shut up, Jesse."

"Now all we need is a Meowth and we're Team Rocket."

"Seriously, let me enjoy this fight," James glared with his hazel eyes that he shared with his sister.

"Nope, I'd rather get out of here before the security find out we left. And we still need to get you a wig."

Nicky dragged Alexis out of the abandoned warehouse so they could get a wig to cover his new hair colour. They weren't even supposed to be in the city, but they got bored cooped up and snuck out easily from years of doing it. Nicky, who was five years older, did it as an escape from having to act like a pretty princess despite feeling comfortable in jeans and around books. Alexis was made to be the golden son when all he wanted to do is go out in pastel colours and his long hair. But those weren't the faces they were allowed to wear, instead they were players to increase their father's reputation.

"Hey Nicky, how's your project doing?" Alexis asked as he adjusted his newly bought brown wig.

"I still need a few more part for the engine, but soon my bike's going to be better than ever."

Nicky was hoping to be an automobile engineer and fixing old cars and bikes were her hobby. Alexis helped somewhat when she was working on bigger projects but he mostly stuck to his pottery. He had made a few collections and sold them under an alias to find out that he was really talented at it. They had a garage and studio at home hidden in the back for their uses on the conditions that it is kept secret from the public.

Nicky and Alexis finally got to the car they took from their father's expensive ones and drove back to the mansion. 

"Mom's not gonna be back for another month from charity work in Africa, and Father has to be in Dc so we have the house to ourselves. Again," Alexis whined.

Nicky pulled up to the gates and put in the code and didn't care that security would she them coming back. It was a miracle that her small fire starter drone worked in drawing security's attention long enough to high tail it out of the mansion. Alexis stretched out of the car and stood up to his full 6'0 height. Nicky came close, at 5'10, but she tended to wear heels that made her look taller. Alexis started to make his way back inside but Nicky stopped him by grapping his wrist.

"I've been thinking Lex, what if we left?"

"Like 'runaway' or  'sorry we both adults now, see ya' leave?"

"The second."

Alexis wondered where this came from. His sister wasn't really the one to complain, it was him, but she must be more upset with their fakeness than he thought. Since he was 17, they would only have to wait another year at the least to leave. Nicky hasn't left until now even though she was almost done university because they made a pact to stay together because their parents never were there. 

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