Safety blankets

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Deedra woke up on a bloody Monday to feeling of death in the air. She glanced over at her potted plants and found one of them had died. She sighed and grumbled under he breath about hormonal witches who couldn't find something better to do with their frustrations than to cast curses. 

But hold up, if you couldn't tell Deedra is a witch studying at a local Magic Academy that just happened to be in the middle of a desert. How else would they hide a magic academy from human eyes in Arizona? Anyways, she was tired of having to speed grow plants every day to protect her because she had been a bit snarky to one of her classmates. Or maybe because she was close to some of the warlocks at their school that the other witches didn't have the guts to even approach in the first place. Deedra was destined to live in a forest for the rest of her life, but she couldn't help her attitude when people deserved it. 

"Deedra wake up breakfast is almost ready!"

Deedra grumbled but listened to her familiar, a cute fluffy Great Horned owl that went by the name Beatrix-totally not after the infamous witch in a book series she had read after she had hatched. Beatrix was sassy like her mistress and got into a lot of fights with the other familiars who couldn't handle her personality. But they were both fiercely loyal to their few friends and had tempers to match.

"Is Asar  awake yet?"

"Fenias tells me she is, but that she's just cuddling with him at the moment. Why does his voice have to sound so smug about that? I can get all the cuddles I wanted if I wanted them, I just don't like my feathers getting messed up," Beatrix huffed.

Deedra smiled and ruffled her short brown waves out of her silver eyes that were smirking at her familiar. Beatrix shrieked at her and flew around their decent sized dorm room.

"Not you too!"

Deedra chuckled, "Come on, let's go before they run out of waffles and OJ."

Deedra washed up and put on the academy's standard uniform before she left her suite for the hallway connecting her rooms to her roommate's. Asar looked so cute standing at 5'2 with her fluffy red hair and her cute button nose smiling so happily despite it being the morning. They both made their way to the cafeteria to eat breakfast before morning classes.

"Morning Dee and Bea!"

"Morning Asar, morning Fenias."

Fenias meowed at her in reply and Beatrix had given the two a hoot in return.

"So I was surprised that I woke up smelling something rotten to find one of my plants wilted and dead. I think I miscasted my growth spell and it ended up with it decaying instead-"

Deedra whirled around and grabbed Asar's shoulders tightly and spoke in a rush.

"Were they sick before you casted the growth spell?"

"Do I had just learned it in class yesterday so I wanted to try it out," Asar squeaked.

"Tell me the exact spell exactly," Deedra demanded and had Asar recite the spell right there in the middle of the hall blocking other students' ways.

Deedra was a year above Asar but they still got along well and she was one of the few friends Deedra had.

"Do you know why we're taught to have plants around us Asar?"

"No, we didn't have much plants back home so it didn't really matter and I love how colorful and lively they are so I didn't find it a probl-"

"They protect their master's from curses, Asar. Someone tried to cast a curse on you while you were sleeping and it died to protect you," Deedra explained.

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