Hello there

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"What are you!"

"An idiot sandwich."

Steph laughed on the inside as she watched an episode Gordon Ramsey moments on her laptop in the library. It was her day off and she was spending it away from her loud roommate in the nice quiet library. That was until she checked her watch and saw that she was going to miss her lunch date with her brother. She got up and flipped her long brown hair over her shoulder and put her bag on the cleared shoulder. Steph walked out of the library in her nice jeans, a polo and flats to meet her brother like she had planned. It was a nice day in Boston and she had decided earlier that she would walk to Cheesecake Factory. 

"Alright guys, I know what you're going to say. Where is Theo's suit? Today I'm going around incognito to all the best suit shops and showing you how to get the best deals."

Steph glanced at the rather handsome blond man that walked past her talking to his camera and made a funny face behind his back. He glanced back at her after she had, but she pretended not to notice and continued walking a little to the side and behind him. She continued making faces but the next intersection, she went right and he went left so her fun was ended. Steph immediately saw her younger brother outside their lunch spot and started chatting with him. They caught up since their last hang out, but her brother was being a pain.

"C'mon Steph, you need to meet a guy," he whined.

"Josh, I literally just got out of school and establishing my career as a hairstylist."

Josh, with his nicely cut brown hair done by none other than Steph, pouted and begged her to go to a club with him. Steph and Josh were only a few years apart, but people often got them mixed up as twins because she had a younger face. The only difference was that Josh had more masculine features and that Steph wore glasses. Other than that, they had the same brown hair, blue eyes and olive skin.

Steph left full and happy and made plans for the next week to see her baby brother again. Other than that, she went back to her apartment to laze around and relax. The next day, she was up bright and early to work in the salon's first shift of the day. Steph put her hair up in two space buns in honor of Princess Leia, her favourite Disney Princess. The day wasn't too bad especially the really cute teen girl who was getting her hair dyed for the first time. She chose to get it in red to look like Black Widow who was an inspiration for her to get away from her abusive parents.

"Steph, you have a client," Den called from the front.

Steph wiped her hands on her apron and went up to see who she would be working with. A head of blond hair that was strikingly familiar brought her back to the camera guy the day before. He smiled charmingly at her in his slacks and button up with his hair natural that didn't hide his pale blue eyes.

"Hello, I'm Theo and I think we may have run into each other yesterday," he introduced himself.

Steph glanced at Den because he was her boss and Theo had a camera with him and she wanted to know if he was okay with the salon being filmed. He excitedly waved at her to get a move on, no doubt finding it cute and interesting.

"I'm Steph."

She shook his offered hand and he glanced back at the camera held by an older woman.

"Everyone was wondering who the beautiful woman making faces behind me yesterday was, and they're convinced you're my girlfriend."

Steph stopped and took a second look at Theo and recognized his face from the thumbnail of a video she saw on YouTube. It had been on the trending list as number one and it clicked that he was Theo Georgio, the most famous costuber/fashion channel on YouTube. He worked at a suit studio that was very high end, but he also made some suits that were more affordable for the average person. Steph remembered the change in Josh's suits once he learned how to properly dress in them from one of Theo's videos.

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