Serial killers

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Isabella woke up Tuesday morning grumpy. Her hair was a mess, with little wisps all up in her face. She made her usual coffee and booted up her laptop on the island counter. She pushed her glasses up her wide nose so the way was clear for her dowy brown eyes. 

"Let's see, I have five chapter left for Evangelist and three for Sally was missing, which one is overdue for some death?"

Isabella chose the former since it was a thriller and had room for another death, and she was feeling up to writing a gruesome one in her mood. Being a professional author was sometimes hard, but she had fans who looked forward to her new books and she had so many ideas flowing that it was amazing. Some people asked her with her last book, how she'd felt by the death of the main chracter's best friend and she said she loved it. It was an impulsize choice when she had writer's block and was stressed out by her deadline. They story just flowed from there and became the horror book that it was. By the end of the day, she went to bed feeling like she had been very productive and looking forward to what her editor would say about her completed story. In an alternative universe, a group of friends wept over the sudden and tragic death of their friend.

"Sheryl was the kindest puppy who ever wagged her tail and we will miss her. She died saving her best friend from a killer and we all will miss her kisses," spoke Jeffrey.

Their group brought up their glasses and all drank to his words as they sat around Dean's living room. He stared at a picture of him and Sheryl and felt his throat choke up.

"Why does god always take the good ones?" asked Francine.

"Because they think it's funny," Dean croaked.

The atmosphere remained sad and grieving even though their friend stil lived on in an alternate universe where Isabella hadn't killed her.

"Stop! Stop killing my friends!" screamed Sally in a different universe.

She watched as her stalker only smirked at her cries and drove the blade deeper into Andrea's heart. Sally sobbed and tried to get out of the bonds Mark had put her in. Her blong hair was jagged and dirty while her teary blue eyes looked lost and pained.

"Shh sweety, all your pretend friends are gone now," he giggled.

"Stop killing people, stop killing them!" she screamed.

Mark's eyes went dark and he took out his favourite tool to torture her and Sally sobbed as he approached her. 

Meanwhile, Isabella was nervously wiping her hands on her nice sundress as she prepared to enter the biggest book convention on Earth. As the winner of best new author, she was going to talk in a solo panel and with some of the biggest names in writing. She was going to meet J.K Rowling, Rick Riordan, Jodi Picoult and her idol Stephan King. 

"Babe, you'll be fine so stop worrying," Theo, Isabella's boyfrind called from his seat on their hotel bed. His eyes were closed and he was the more easy going of them two when he wasn't working big cases in his law firm. His short brown hair was messy and his blue eyes refused to open before noon even though he was already dressed to go with Isabella to the convention.

"I have looked up to these people for my entire life and now I'm going to sit on a panel with them. I am so freaking out right now and there is nothing you can do to stop me. Don't even thin of telling me to calm down."

"I'd invite you over for cuddles, but I guess you wouldn't want to when we have literally two hours before the shuttle comes."

Isabella giggled and jumped onto the bed and enjoyed some peace and quiet with Theo before the rush of the convention happened. Isabella wasn't up until the afternoon so they spent a few hours before checking out stalls, signing books and getting a few bites to eat before the main event. Isabella was the last one to be introduced from the panel of authors and she smiled nervously as she stepped onto the stage. But she relaxed and also became terrified from the huge cheers she got.

"Wow, if only I got that much attention when I began, my wife might have been more supportive," Rick joked.

"It even took Harry Potter a few years to gain popularity," Rowling added.

"Well, you guys paved the way for young authors like me to get the attention our writing deserve," Isabella replied.

The panel was going great with first a general period of talkinh about their experiances as authors and with writing. Then they got a few silly games and riddles to test their knowledge about each other's books. Isabella won that hands down, but the final period was audience questions. That went great until a guy with a cap and a baggy hoody stepped up.

"Please," they begged, "stop killing us."

Isabella looked to her fellow authors in confusion until a whole group of people approached the stage and started yelling at them.

"Save my sister! Stop the apocalypse before it happens! Save Sheryl! Make it so Voldermort is never born!"

The last one was from a young male's distinctively british voice and it shocked the entire crowd. There standing in all his glory was Harry Potter and at first people laughed and cheered at the joke. That was until Harry sent lighting racing across the room. People began panicking but something was stopping them from getting out. The entire group revealed themselves to be chracters from all the panel of authors' books. Isabella didn't know how, but there wasn't just one Dean, but two of him standing infront of her.

"Please, if he can still have Sheryl, why can't I?" said the sadder version of Dean.

"No one deserves the pain you put them through just for money and fame. You guys don't realize that you control our lives!" Percy yelled.

"I hate that I'm such a whiny girl because you made me that way," Bella hissed at Stephenie Meyer.

"We don't deserve all the pain and destruction you've caused," Hazel choked as she thought about Augustus.

"Give us, them, everyone our loved ones back," the calmer Dean asked.

Isabella would have feinted if it weren't for Theo holding her up.

"Sorry for creating all those alternate universes where you guys died," she squeaked.

"Please finish my story, I want the happy ending you can give me."

The girl who said it was unfamiliar and no one knew where she came from, but others popped up and asked the same thing to one of the authors on the stage.

"Sorry, I've completely lost the motivation to complete or change your stories," Rick shrugged.

"How did you guys find out about us being the cause of your pain?" Isabella asked.

"They already knew and it only took one person to mess up and write it in a story for us all to find out," Annabeth explained.

"I had no idea or I woul-ldn't kill or hurt any of you since you're real people," Isabella tried to plead her innocence.

The other authors were arguing among themselves who could have revealed the secret and Isabella stared at them in disgust. She got up with Theo's help and slowly walked up to one of the security guards for the evnt.

"Arrest me. I've killed people, animals-oh my god-babies and I deserve to rot in jail."

"Please fix our stories first," Dean pleaded.

Isabella nodded and when it was found that the majority of creative writers knew about what they were doing, writing creatively became illegal. Isabella was let off of being imprisoned not because she wasn't guilty, but because she was made responsible for fixing every author's mess for them. She died an old lady over a key board after her last word in her last story that was a story in her own world to stop any of their crimes from ever happening. And with her final piece disappeared the saying 'As bad as an author'. No one would have the power to rule someone's fate every again because she realized that only her universe had that power. So it wasn't that hard to destroy the whole thing was it?

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