The Key

6 1 1

A heart holds far more than blood. 

It holds trust and secrets, 

Of not just our own. 

Lower the gates too far, 

Or to one who means harm, 

And watch as more than your heart burns. 

The child who gave you a flower yesterday, 

Is burning to ash. 

The man who gushed about his wife and child, 

Holds them in his arms as he cries. 

The young woman who found her passion, 

Watches as her dreams are cut down. 

But, sometimes small pieces given out, 

Of the precious feeling we possess, 

Burn stronger in others. 

"Protect her heart, because she cares about ours, 

And heal it after, because we've all loved before too."

This poem was an entry of mine in an interactive story called "Glass Shadows" by @OnyxWriting but I really like it so I put it here too.

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