Part 5

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(Marcus's POV)
I felt my heart flutter when (y/n) stepped off the stage with her cape swaying behind her when she walked and her (h/c) hair shining in the spotlights. " that.was.awesome!" (Y/n) shrieks while doing a little happy dance which was so adorable " I am so blown away right now you did amazing" I said while smiling at (y/n) and seeing her blush at my complements. " I think this little vampire is going to plan the best party ever!!" My uncle frank yelled in pure excitement while ruffling (y/n)s hair which made her giggle. Soon everyone crowded her and started talking to her about the party or things that we can all do at the hotel. " WE ARE NOT DOING ANY OF THAT we have to stay on schedule" my dad stated while floating in the air with red light spotlighting him. " alright dad fine " I said while rolling my eyes and shaking my head "(y/n) your coming to" I said while smiling and wrapping my arm around her waist. Everyone got excited again and I could feel my dad glare at me in frustration but I could care less right now.
**********time skip************
After a long boring round of bingo we where in the hotel gym playing charades which was also boring the invisible man was having a ruff time because you only saw his glasses moving. Half of the people on the bleachers were almost asleep of were asleep (y/n) let out a sigh and then her eyes lit up and she started digging through her bag and she pulled out something that looked like a huge bill shaped object. Then she ran down to the gym floor and played a song that was really catchy and she started dancing.
(Your POV)
I pulled out my pill speaker and hooked my phone to it 'let's kick this up a notch' you thought while running down to the gym floor. You turned up the volume on the pill and placed it on the bench and you pressed play on your phone and it played 'Thriller by Michael Jackson' everyone looked at your curiously. You blushed in embarrassment when you noticed that Marcus's eyes where on you to you walked to the middle of the gym and you started dancing ( from the music video if you don't know how they danced to the song) you looked around for people to join you till you felt a gust of wind come beside you. You looked beside you to see how was dancing with you, Marcus was beside you dancing with you following your lead to thriller. You blushed and looked at him his piercing blue eyes looked into your     (e/c) eyes you felt your heart melt when he smiled at me while giggling at my blush. Soon other monsters joined us in the dance following your lead the song came to an end.
(Marcus's POV)
The song came to an end but I have never felt this happy in my life and I could have ever thought that (y/n) could dance like that. I wrapped my arms around her (small/medium/big) waist and spun her around she laughed adorably. I helped her Stand on the ground but I held onto her hands and looked at her with loving eyes, I stroked her soft cheek and I felt myself lean in to claim a kiss from her soft    (l/c) lips. The moment was soon recked when we heard a roar and a loud snap me and (y/n) looked over to the source of the noise and it was the old lady monster who ate anything she got her hands on " I didn't do that" the old lady said while walking away slowly with her cane me and (y/n) raised an eyebrow and each other and we both laughed cheerfully.

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