Part 13 (end to the first part)

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(Your POV)
I ran down the hallway as fast as I could my lungs burning and the taste of blood exploded my mouth, i slammed a closets door shut and took off the remainder of my makeup and took off my red and black dress that I wore to the party. And I threw on my regular clothes a (f/c) hoodie and my favourite shirt (pick your favourite shirt) and a (skirt/or pare of jeans or leggings). I let out a shaking sigh and slung my (f/c) bag over my shoulder and pulled my hair in a ponytail (sorry if you have short if you have short hair then you brushed it to tidy it up). I gathered all of my belongings and started walking down the hotel hallway and listened to the song air by Jordi sparks I couldn't help but cry at the thought of Marcus and his face that held such anger and disappointment. "Why did I fall in love with him" I asked myself silently between tears. I pushed the door open and walked out of the hotel, my heart felt heavy and my eyes felt like someone was washing my eyes with soap on how much they stung from crying, I kept on making my way away from the hotel, I made it to the half of the bridge till I heard a voice yell out to me. "(Y/N)!!!!" I stopped in my tracks and turned around to see who was screaming my name. My eyes widened in shock when I saw who it was it was Marcus, running towards me with tears in his crystal blue eyes, he made it to me in almost in a slip second " w-what so you want Marcus a-are you hear to yell at me a-again or t-to make me feel anymore guilty" I wailed while fresh salty tears rolled down my cheeks. " no (y/n) I came to apologize I am sorry that I yelled I was angry and confused it was just a lot to take in, i am not using this as an excuse but-" anger boiled in my veins and I cut him off by dropping my bag on the ground with a lard thud " oh really now let me guess you feel guilty Marcus well guess what Marcus I loved you ever since I met you and I am basically pouring my heart out here just please Marcus..... if you thought what we had was real prove it to me that..... you love me". I sat while walking closer to Marcus staring into his broken blue eyes, Marcus took my warm hands into his cold but soft ones and held them close to my chest " r-remember when you did this to me you can feel my heart beat my heart only beats for you (y/n) and I don't want that to change your my zing". Marcus said softly while leaning closer to me, his eyes closed and claimed my lips for a sweet well awaited kiss. " best birthday ever" Marcus whispered against my lips, I giggled at his cute comment and held onto his hand " will you stay with me and my dad (y/n) sure we are monsters but we will except you for who you are" Marcus whispered in my ear with made me giggle and kiss his cheek " of course I will but will your dad mind" I asked while picking up my bag but Marcus took it instead and slung it over his shoulder. " no I don't think he will mind and if he doesn't well he will have to learn to love it just like I love you" Marcus said softly while sharing one last kiss with me while we stepped inside of the hotel.
(Hey readers I am making the part two so I am not leaving this series alone yet and it's going to be in the same draft so don't worry no scavenger hunt 😂)

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