Part 6

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Marcus's POV)
(W/y/c/f) stands for were you come from
A year passed and We threw Denis a huge first birthday party and everyone in the hotel was invited he learned his first word and started to learn how to walk recently. He's growing up so fast it almost felt like yesterday when he was born, (y/n) places Denis into his high chair so he could dig into his cake that she baked herself. I grabbed a lighter and lit the birthday candle on fire and held it up for Denis to blow out " come on baby blow out the candle" (y/n) cooed. Denis blew a raspberry but blew out the candle surprisingly, he let out a cute little chuckle and dug into his cake getting it all over his face, onesie, hair and floor. (Y/n) giggled and grabbed a wet cloth and wiped off Denis's face giving me a view of her bottom, I walked over to her giving it a cheeky pinch earning a yelp from her. " Marcus not now you cheeky monkey" (y/n) cooed kissing my cheek lovingly, I unbuckled Denis from his high chair and lifted him up bringing him over to where all the presents were placed " okay presents guys" (y/n) announced picking up the first present. Aunty Eunice and uncle frank grabbed their present from the pile and smiled " here's our present I hope it's except able" Eunice said while smiling and handing it to me " my first guillotine very educational, well played frank" Dracula complimented. I stared at the guillotine with confusion " that's great let me just baby proof that, honey were did you put the rubber guards?" Markus asked while gently taking the guillotine out of my hands, I walked over to the table to try and find them. " baby proofing a guillotine so you cut your finger off it's part of the fun" I heard Eunice say while looking over at denis who was playing with Dracula's cape. " He made me baby proof the whole hotel someone is over protective" Dracula whispered to Eunice and frank which caused me to giggled in agreement.

While Dracula was playing with denis I walked over to Markus and helped him clean up some of the rappers and cake plates " honey don't you think that your being a little to over protective I mean for the guillotine I get that but I just think that you're over reacting a little bit" I said softly to Markus while helping him pick up more party plates " look sweetie I know that I am over reacting but I just want to protect you and denis and make sure that you guys don't get hurt, I was even thinking that maybe we should move to (w/y/c/f) so it can be safer for denis and he won't have to grow up in a dangerous environment" Marcus said while gently stroking my face " Marcus we can't just leave think about you're dad and friends and family Marcus dangerous or not denis has us and your dad he won't get harmed anytime soon" I stated while looking at Dracula and jack and frank playing with denis. " besides he's happy here Marcus" I whispered while pecking his cheek " I guess your right but just think about it okay love" Marcus said softly while hugging me from behind and resting his chin on my shoulder. I looked at denis laughing while walking to Dracula with his little baggy onesie on and his (h/l) (h/c) ruffled and his soother in his mouth. ' I don't want to take denis away from here he needs Dracula and Marcus he needs me'

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