Self harm- Harry Styles & Liam Payne. (Ch.3)

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       I awoke in the hospital, Not having any clue what happened or who was arround. My wrist had needles through them, connectd to some machine. I was dressed in a hospital gown with cuts and scrapes over my body. My head had a throbbing pain. I was deffinatly hurting. That truck hit me hard lastnight. What i couldn't understand was why am I so happy, being hurt made me feel..happy? As i lay here i moved my fingertips over the fresh cuts that the windsheild glass had made.I hear a noise and looked up. A tall good looking man with dark brown hair swooping across his face, and his complexion had a sun kissed glow was watching me.  It was the doctor, his name tag read "Dr. Ryan", He was quite young. Maybe twenty five? He stared at me very concerned.

"Are you okay?" he questioned me. 

"i'm fine" I lied

"Look, Harry. I have a few l thing's i would like to talk to you about."

Oh shit, i thought to myself. Everything started comming back to me. How hurt i was, was he going to tell me I wont make it, or something about liam? What about Harry! Do the boys even know where i am? I have to tell them., why? Is my mom okay~ How long have i been here? I took a deep breath in and choked out " Okay. What about?" making a slight glance at Dr.Ryan.

"Harry, when you got hit by that car there are far to many marks on your body for it to just be that vehicle, When we dressed you in this hospital gown, I noticed a crazy amount of slashes and scars across your legs, and wrist's. I need you to be completly honest with me right now, Do you self harm?"

I made eye contact with him. I stared for a few moments.. a tear started to roll down my cheek. I felt his hand touch my wrist. He removed the needles and bands from my wrist. Then he turned it over revealing all of my scars. Sliding his hand over them he said "let me help you" spoken in a soft but persistant voice. 

Still making eye contact with him I wispered "I don't need help, I am fine." 

"okay, Here is my card. Keep in touch, i am going to call someone for you. We can set up a counsuler, i don't wan't  things getting worse for you. Stop by my office anytime.. Harry please. Im worried for you. Here are your clothes and bracelets. Go put them on and you can head home.I have called your friend to come get you, he should be waiting outside right now"

I nodded and grabed my clothing~ I put them on and walked aou the front doors.

Self harm- Harry Styles & Liam Payne.Where stories live. Discover now