Self harm- Harry Styles & Liam Payne. (Ch.5)

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As i opened the door Liam was there in the kitchen. There was a suit case on the table, guess he started packing my stuff already. I tried to walk in quietly but Liam heard the hinge's of the door squeak. He turned around so quick.

 "Harry! Are you okay? I'm so sorry, i should have know something was up, It's all my fault"

He pulled me in for a tight hug. 

"ow!" I moaned.

"i'm so sorry, how hurt are you?" Liam spoke and asked so quickly that could hardly make out what he was saying.

"i'm fine,Not that bad" I said. I know i say it a lot, the truth is, I hate when people worry about me. It's my own choice. Wether I choose to self harm or jump off a bridge, they are my choice's. I don't need Liam to see how bad I was hurting. The scars and marks across my arms and body were far to severe to show him. 

"Harry, You are not fine. You alway's say that. Show me how bad they are~" Liam got a bit angry.

"No. I can't." I started to storm off.

Liam grabed my sleeve and yank's me back with a huge amount of force. I try to get away, I'm just too drained to try and escape this time.. My head hurt's from the crash still, and my body aches.

I stood there. Stood there as my eye's were watering. I stood there as Liam took off my jacket, and started rolling up my sleeves. Tear's were streaming down my face. Liam looked horrified as he  got to the worst of them he looked like he was going to be sick.

Slowly rolling up my sleeve's, one fold at a time. Showing twenty, maybe thirty scars and seven or eight open wound's on one arm.

"Harry.. why didn't you ever tell me?" Liam asked and sounded quite disappointed.

"I never wanted to hurt anyone else." I managed to say, although i was crying pretty bad and I'm not sure Liam understood. I started to get really dizzy and light headed so I walked over to the kitchen table to sit.. Liam followed.

"The only way you are hurting us, is if you need help and won't tell us. We are best friends..Not just band mates.We are here to talk about these things!" 

I made direct eye contact with Liam and watched the tears rolll down his cheeks. So much was running through my head. So many thoughts and bad thing's that i never wanted to talk about. All i did was stare into his eye's. Liam still was not done. He was defiantly not stupid he take's off my shirt. Only to see more scars across my chest. Slices and scars, burn marks. I cried even harder.

"Why…?" Liam whispered quite sad sounding. I was pondering if i should tell him why. 

There was along moment of pure silence.

"twitter.." I replied and stared at the floor.

"What about twitter?" Liam asked sounding super confused.

"The hate mail. I hate being compared to….to… The Wanted, or The Beatles, I hate logging on and seeing how awful I am, the thing's i have done or what rumour's are about me now. Liam, i am not out sleeping with a girl every night... I am not the man whore the media portray's me to be. I'm sick of all the hate, the girls saying that i'm ugly, or can't sing. It's boys too. When you are alway's out at work and the boy's are always traveling. I get lonely. There is no one to speak to.. no one. Cutting just… seemed like a way to let everything i hate about me out… a way to release the monster inside of me." I took a deep breath and sighed. Thinking how crazy I sounded ranting on like that. I rolled my sleeves back down.

"Well, Whatever they say online is not true.. the boy's are worried about you too. Why don't you pick up a phone when you feel like that. Call me, Call us.. do you think we never care? We all love you, until the end of the The boys will be home in an hour.." Liam hesitated saying the last part.

"WHY ARE THEY COMING HOME? THEY ARE ON VACATION. Oh Fuck me. I ruined their vacation.. Why did I have to be hit by that truck. No one would have ever known about me, none of this would have happened."I started to get all mad and uptight.

"They wanted to come home, they want to see you. They are worried. you never ruined the vacation at all! It is not your fault. Now let's go pack" Liam tried to distract me but I followed him to my room any ways..

Self harm- Harry Styles & Liam Payne.Where stories live. Discover now