Self harm- Harry Styles & Liam Payne. (Ch.4)

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I walked out thoes glass hospital doors. I stood on the curb, still unsure of who was picking me up. My phone beeped. I couldn't find where I last had it. I reached into the pocket of my brown jacket i was last wearing and had pulled it out. I slid the lock screen and looked at the notification's.

 It said; // 23 Missed messages // 17 missed calls // I never had caller ID so i couldn't actually see who called but my last text was from liam saying "I hope you are okay, We heard where you are, get well, see you soon. x "

Shit~ I thought to myself. Liam and the boy's are going to be pissed at me once they realise what happened. I expected liam to enter the parkade, instead I see a Bugatti Veyron sports car with tinted window's pull into the lot. Must have costed over a million dollar's and It was in mint condition. Not a single scratch, or speck of dirt.

The car slowed down right infront of me, then stopped. I was confused. Liam or none of the boys drove that car. None of us could really afford it. The window rolls down and a  loud voice shout's " Get in the fucking car."

I realised who it was. Fuck. Was i ever dead. It was Simon Cowell. I opened the car door and sat in the seat. slowly shut my door and put the seatbelt on. I sat and stared out my window not even making eye contact with him. "Harry. What the fuck is going on?" Simon questioned. I sat there still looking out my window. "Nothing,I am fine" I wispered under my breath just loud enough for him to hear me.

"Harry. Don't even pull that bullshit on me, You are not fine. You will be fine when you don't need thoes bracelets to hide your cuts, you will be fine when you no longer have to slice your wrist's or any other body part. No more burning, nothing. I can't have some teenage boy who young children look up to  setting a bad example. The doctor's told me everything.. You have a tour soon. You need to get your shit together. That is why I am sending you away to get help"

I glanced at Simon. He was furious. All i wanted to do right now was to kill myself, to escape the world. It was not that easy. 

"Where are you sending me?" I persisted with anger.

"Vancouver, BC. You need help. Your flight take's off tomorrow morning, I am taking you home. You better pack what you need, Liam is there to help you. I will Pick you up at 6:15am. Be ready"

"How long am i gone for?" I said sounding quite upset.

Simon was calm now. He spoke and it sounded like he feared everything. "You will start with one week, they will analise you and see from there.....Harry. This is to help you."

We arrived at the flat. I opened Simon's car door, Not saying a word to him. I shut it and watched as he drove away. I walked up to the door put my key in, unlocked it and pushed it open.

Self harm- Harry Styles & Liam Payne.Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora