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I was looking at  his glorious eyes.Yeah I felt there was something which  I couldn't understand.Something familiar.  It was the suitable word for that feeling.Can you guess about that feeling?Meeting something familiar in an unfamiliar place. I also didn't know about that feeling before.But it was so amazing.

''again he asked.'Oh' I came to my senses and tried to wipe those tear stains on my cheeks.But he has already saw those bitter tears . Yeah very bitter.

I was looking aside.So I guessed he couldn't see my eyes.
'Any problem'
I looked at him.I just gave him a blank aspect.Then he began to talk in korean.But I think it's good to write in English.

'Everyone has problems but we can't back out those.We have to face.But don't forget to smile.'

I didn't say anything . Actually I couldn't find anything to say.I just looked at those eyes.

'Let's meet again.'

Then he stood up and went . I didn't know what should I do.I was looking at him till he disappeared from my eye sight.

Then I looked at the vicinity.Those eyes were painting afore me.They are so attractive . Actually who was he?

Again I looked for him.But I could see only those busy people.There was no any sign of him.From where he came? I haven't any idea but he was the only familiar one I met since I came here.

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